Questions after Questions

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The wind continued to howl and pound against the windows of the castle. The outside was slightly glittering from the snow.

Amy jerked up from her bed, hand over her heart " oh my was only a drea..." she stops, looking around the room. A sigh comes from her, putting her face into her hands. " I'm still here..."

Amy than lifts her head, looking towards the window within her room. Watching it shake from the wind outside, the snow seemed to lighten up but the wind kept blowing. Amy removes her covers, getting up from her bed. She starts to move around the room. It was beautiful,  as if a angel came in it to bless the room with gold and marvel.
As she looked around the room she than turns to look at a divine dresser, that it was purple with beautiful golden trim along it. Amy looked around as she than lifted her hand to touch upon the beautiful painted wardrobe.

" Oh your awake!" Amy's hand jerked back. Her eyes widen when seeing the magnificent come to life just before her eyes. The handles beside it started to move as if they were arms. The arms reached out and grabbed Amy's cheeks " My my... such a beautiful face structure...and your eyes read the most rarest of jade..." she says.

Amy steps away from the wardrobe grasp " Uh...thank you? But who are you?" She asks as looking her up and down. The dresser was so lively and had such a calm soothing voice.
A laugh comes from her, " Oh I'm sorry dearie....I didn't mean to frighten you.." she wiggled slightly in her position.  " I am the Diva Holly! You must..." she stopped for a moment, and turned away for a moment " Wait...forget what I just said. " she says turning towards Amy once again. " But, you can address me as Holly my dear." She says. Her voice was slightly enchanting.

Amy stood there, a big dumb founded as she looked to the talking wardrobe.  " First...a tea cup, a tea poy, a clock, and a candle talk to a wardrobe..." Amy strokes her fingers through her hair, " Now there going to be some kind of magical feather duster that say Hello to me??" She questions.

The door than opens, as a feather duster floats in " Oh good your awake, its so good to see you up and around." Blaze said as she floated near Amy.

Amy stood there " This has to be a dream....I...I need to wake up." Amy rubbed her eyes, as she was frustrated and confused. So many things going on at once, so much to process in one day. Her freedom taken away, talking  appliances/furniture,  and a beast....

Amy's eyes widen " Wait how did I get here? Last I remember I was in the dining hall, how did I get here?" She questions Holly and Blaze.

Holly looks to her, " Oh the master brought you to your room. He scared you so bad that you fainted." She say. Blaze looks to her and nods " and thats excaltly what happened...... I am so sorry for his actions..." she says.

Amy stares at the two, sitting on the bed " Oh...."

'He carried me to my room?'

Amy was now lost in her thoughts, confused by why he carried her. Holly and blaze slowly moved their heads in Amy's direction.
Blaze slowly floating over to her, " Miss...are you alright?" She asks.

Amy tilts her head a bit to the side, looking to Blaze. She sighs " I think so...? I'm not sure what to feel right many things going on at once and I don't know how to keep up with everything.." she says.

Blaze listened to her, her head nodding slowly " I understand, its hard to take in new things..." she says with a sad tone, a knock was than heard. The door opens, Vanilla and Cream coming in as the tray glides over to Amy.

Vanilla smiles " Oh how wonderful....your awake, we were coming to tell you sorry and ask if you'd like some tea.." she says softly.  As Cream looks to her " And some cookies!!"
Amy looked to them, smiling softly as she goes towards them " It's alright....and I'd love some." She says as Vanilla leans and pours some tea into cream, cream slolwy going towaeds her.

Amy smiles with delight as she carefully picks up the tea cup to drink from it, the tea was slightly bitter but the after taste was sweet. Amy puts the cup back down " thank you....that was really good.." she says softly. Cream giggles as she than scoots over what looks to be cookies " Here! Since you didn't get to eat. We brought you a midnight snack!"

Amy looked to the plate as she sat on the bed, taking one " Thank you....all of you..." she says gently as she takes a bite of the cookie.

'I still have so many questions...but...they can wait for now...'

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