A path of disappointment

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The sun rose over the little home, Amy up early as usual taking care of the garden, read, or travel into town. As she walked out of her house, she saw the rotting tomato's from the day before. Chuckling softly, when she would get back from town she'll clean them up.
Amy strolled through town with a gentle grin. Her basket in hand, and her book peaking out of it. Amy looked into the shops that had clothing, jewelry, or food. Amy didn't pay to much attention to the fancier shops as she was more focused on  the older shops that put dusty books and old antiques with rusted keys, tea pots, and other things.
As she was admiring the old antiques someone in the distance was admiring her eyes with a devilish grin, it was Scrooge with his head rested against his palm. Next to him was Tails looking to him than to Amy, Tails looks up to Scrooge and says " I can't believe you still admire her when she rejected you yesterday." Scrooge slowly turns his gaze toward the little fox " Tails Tails my good friend, Amy did reject me yesterday but she is playing hard to get and the ones who play hard to get are the sweetest prey.." he says shifting his eyes back to Amy that was now gone and he jumps up " W-where did she go?" He asks himself and looks around.
As, Scrooge was having his little speech, Amy had walked off down the street as villagers worked it went shopping. As she walked past a mother and a little child, the little child looked up at Amy, smiled and waved at her. Amy smiles back and gives a little wave as than the mother grabs the child's hand and makes him follow her and hearing a whisper " Don't look at her." She said in a nasty tone.
Amy stood in shock a bit as her shoulders went down, soon continuing on her trail, with her head down as she walked. Soon her mind started to wondered what she did wrong. That's until two girls walked up to her, their faces looking upset and mad. Amy looked at the both of them, softly asking " Can I help you two..?" The one on the right speaks up "oh I think you already know." She says, as the one on the left than speaks " How could you reject Scrooge!! Is he not good enough for you?"
Amy's eyes widen slightly, soon her eyes narrow " I had reasons to reject Scrooge. I'm not going to marry someone who I don't have a interest in." Any said triumphantly as she passed the two girls, who looked out spoken.
Amy grins happily as she walks her way back up the trail to her house, but soon the smile grew bigger when she heard the neigh of a horse. She started to run up the small hill to expect her father. But all that joy went away and a smile faded away. Amy felt her whole body freeze as she saw her father nowhere.

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