A Shady Deal

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Amy felt the fear layer inside of her, it was a gut wrenching feeling. She looked around the horse, the carriage of goods no longer attached or her father was never in sight.
Amy soon looks into the eyes of the frightened creature " Fawn we need to find papa.. we need to him!" She yells, her voice filling with fear.
Amy raced into her house to place her basket inside. She grabbed her dark red cloak, she came outside. But she stopped in her tracks when she saw a green gentlemen, trying to pet Fawn. But even Fawn was backing away from the man's greedy hand.
He turns his head, a smirk forming from his lips " Ah Amy the person I wanted to see. " he says walking toward her. " I wanted to say I'm sorry, the way I acted was not very gentlemen like."
Amy raised an eyebrow, she thought it was sweet how he came to apologize. But she felt uncomfortable around as he went closer. " So... would you still like to go on a date..?" He asks gently.
Amy stared at him and she shook her head. " Thank you for the apology, but I really need to go. My father went missing." She says moving pass him.
Scrooge face falls into a concerned look, he soon says " Well if you want I can stay here in town and look out for your father here.." he says.
Amy sighs " Thank you Scrooge, when I get back.. you can take me on a date..." she says reluctantly. Scrooge smiles a bit and nods " Sounds like a deal.
Amy than went on her way with Fawn, going down the path that her father left on.
Scrooge watched in the distanced, his face no longer sincere or happy. It was a very smug look " Or I can have your hand.." He says turning around.

Amy was riding down the path, calling out " Papa! " the only response she got was an echo of her voice. She trailed off for hours. Soon Fawn started to go down the darken path, the cold wind blowing in Amy's face. She held her cloak tighter to herself. Soon the darkness faded into the bright glow. Amy's eyes widening, she was amazed to see snow this time of year. She looked around, admiring the beauty of the snow. But her head goes to the ground when sees faint horse hoofs in the snow.
Fawn winced a bit, knowing this path and the dangers it holds. Amy was looking everywhere around. Soon her head popping up when seeing the forgotten carriage. She puts Fawn to a stop and gets off. Walking quickly toward it. Hoping that her father was in it. She looked through it, finding nothing. She sighs, she gets back in Fawns back.
They continued the path, the footprints in the snow getting harder to see. As the winds started to die down, the earth became still. No sounds of animals, Fawn than stopped. Amy looked to Fawn and tilted her head " Fawn..?"
That's when Amy follows Fawns gaze, soon her own eyes widen. Amy and Fawn were towered by a shadow, the shadow was a huge dark castle.

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