It's the Little Things

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After that night of suspense and a new out look between the two hedgehogs, a different kind of atmosphere appeared,  a sweeter atmosphere. 
The rules had slightly changed as Amy was allowed now to roam the castle by herself without needing someone to esscort her anywhere. But the place she was still forbidden to even venture to was the west wing.

Amy seemed to recover greatly after that night, the only thing that had haunted her still was a runny nose and a few sneezes to follow behind it. Other then those two things, Amy felt great, almost alive in a way. She had her hands behind her back as she was walking along with Vanilla and Cream on their serving tray. Amy looked down to them as they walked along the hallways, listening to what they were saying.
" So.....the beast is going to be okay?" Amy asks.

Sadly, Sonic managed to get himself a terrible cold and had to be put to bed almost immediately. Vanilla sighs gently and nodded her head " Oh yes... the master really seemed to out done himself." She says gently, Cream giggles gently " Yeah...but we're sure that he'll be up and no time!" She said with a cheery smile.
Amy listens to the tea pot and the cup, nodding her head as a small smile slowly appears on her face " Thats good to hear..." he says before her smile slightly fades " I wish I could something more....but.." she stops and looks towards the staircase that lead up to the west wing of the castle, she knew she wasn't allowed up there. But, she couldn't stop the feeling of knowing Sonic was up there alone, probably bored out of his mind.

Vanilla looks up to her and then the staircase " I know darling.... but we must respect his privacy.." she says gently as she strolled along " We also need to let him get his rest as well. So come along dearie! Maybe we can prepare him some soup and tea.." she says gently, Amy stared up at the staircase a tad bit longer before nodding her head " Alright...." she says gently as she slowly moves and follows Vanilla and Cream towards the kitchen, but the idea of sneaking up there didn't leave her mind.

Silver and Knuckles on the other hand were up in the west wing, Silver was lighting mostly every candle around his room and the fire place, to make sure it was toasty and warm for the hedgehog. While Knuckles was going over a few things with the sickly sonic.
Silver looks over to him " Knuckles come on.... the master is already sick. I don't think he wants to hear your lectures!" He says.

Knuckles looks over to him " They are not just lectures Silver! I'm just keeping up with code with So.." he looks over towards Sonic, as Sonic seemed not be listening to him.
Laying in bed, Sonic was staring into a hand held mirror that had a silver lining over it, he had gotten on that unfaithful night. A slight smile comes to his face as he watched the mirror. Knuckles and Silver look to one another before looking to their master, they were a bit stunned as this was a first for Sonic. Since that night, Sonic mouth had been a permanent frown or scowl. But now, his lips curled into a slight smile.
Knuckles stares at him before clearing his throat loudly, Sonic's head snaps towards them. He looks between the two servants " I'm listening.....what was that last part?" He asks as he puts the mirror down. Knuckles looks at him as he puts his hands on his hips.
" Sir....ever since you've been bed ridden, all you have been doing is looking at that mirror!" He says as he hops towards it, " What exactly are you looking at?" He asks, before Sonic could do anything, Knuckles  had flipped the mirror over. His eyes then widen a bit when seeing the pink hedgehog. Knuckles slowly turns his head up towards him, were they could see Sonic looking away from the both of them.
Silver, confused as to what happened as he steps away from the fire place. He jumps up on the bed to see what was going on. His eyes then widen when seeing what was being displayed on the mirror, he looks up at their master.
" Sir..... are you..spying on her?" Silver asks.

Sonics head jerks towards them " No! I'm not spying! I'm only....observing her..." he says gently as he picks up the mirror. He looked away from the two, he didn't want to admit that he had been watching her when he was sick in bed. " To make sure....she doesn't escape....that's all." He says
Silver and Knuckles look to one another before looking back at their master. Silvers face starts to light up even more. His flame starting to glow a bit brighter, " me it sounds like you are enjoying her company.." he says with a grin.
Knuckles looks over to Silver, " and what gives you that idea?" He asks as he crosses his arms.
Silver sighs, " Oh should know, the consit thinking...not listening... day dreaming.." he says with a grin as he looks up at Sonic.

Sonic was looking away from the two, his arms crossed. The two servants could see that his cheeks were tickled pink, it could be from his small fever or that he was embarrassed that Silver was the one to be catching on.
Silver chuckles a little when seeing him, while Knuckles was still a bit confused. Sonic could feel himself starting to get a bit irritated, he snaps his head towards them " Will you two please leave me alone??" He pleads, Silver and Knuckles also knock over upon the bed, staring at him and nodding there head. " Y-Yes sir! Come on Silver!" Knuckles exclaimed before grabbing Silver's collar and practically dragging the candle stick out of the room.

Sonic sat there watching the two servants exit, sighing as he started slide into his bed more. His head laying more into his pillow, slowly tilting his head to look at the mirror. Biting his bottom lip he slowly moved and grabbed the mirror.

As Sonic asked the mirror to see Amy, he could see Amy laughing along as she was helping Ms. Vanilla and Cream, the three girls looked to be having a wonderful time helping them around the kitchen. Amy was swaying back an forth around the kitchen, as if she was dancing all around the kitchen, her smile seemed brighter today than how it was when she first came to this place.

Ms. Vanilla voice than chimes in, " I don't think I've seen this much excitement in the kitchen in so long..." she says softly. Amy looks towards the teapot, a slight eyebrow raised when hearing her. " Really...?" She asks.
The two look up at the pink maiden, Cream hops a bit " Mhm..! Usually we don't get to have this much fun..." she says gently, her cheerful attitude slowly turning sorrowful.
Ms. Vanilla hops towards her sorrowful daughter, " But we make the most of it..." she says gently.
Amy watched the two, a small smile coming to her face when seeing the two. It reminded her how her father would act towards her when trying to comfort her.
Amy slowly places a wooden spoon she was holding down to the counter, " Thats not a bad thing.." she says softly, the two house hold servants look up at her. At that moment, Knuckles and Silver were walking in to check on them, but pause when hearing what Amy says.
" Making the most of it is all what you really can do. Even if times seem hard, you always have to look at the positives." Amy had a confident look on her face when she talked, " Thats what my father would tell me... how wr have to look for the good in the bad."
Knuckles slowly steps forward " and that is something I think we could all learn from.." he says gently.
Ms. Vanilla's smile than blossoms, " Well....let's get back to work! Breakfast isn't going to make itself yknow!" She cheered.

Sonic slowly lays the mirror down on his stomach, his head tilting back a bit to look up at the ceiling of his canopy bed. " Take the good with bad..." he repeated gently to himself.

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