Distorted Faces

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Amy's slightly moved a bit, her head slightly nuzzling in a bit more into Sonic's fur. It was so soft up against her skin and it was very warm that she didn't want to move from his presence.

As she was deep in slumber, she started dream. She was running around the halls of the castle, pushing and opening doors as if she was trying to find someone. She wore a long beautiful dress that swayed and moved with her as if she was in the water.
As she ran around, she could hear her name being called put.


Her body spun around, looking over the long hallway that seemed to go on forever. She calls back out, " Where are you?! " Her voice echoed down the halls, her voice bouncing back at her. " Please tell me where you are!!" She called out again before starting to run down the hallway. Countless doors appeared beside her as she ran, each one the same size and color.
Amy stops as to catch her breath, as she gasped for air. As then she felt some kind of wind rush past her, she looks up to see what looked to be a glowing orb fly around her. She couldn't tell what it was, but he had stopped as if it was waiting for her. As then, she could hear the voice again.

"Amy...This way."

Amy then could see the ball of light dash one way, her body then jerks up and she starts running after the ball of light. Amy's lips part as she runs after the ball down the hallway, this time faster with a smile upon her ruby red lips " I'm coming!! I hear you!" She said almost excitedly as she ran. Her heart pounded so hard against her chest that she thought it was going to explode from excitement and suspense.
As she was coming closer to the end of the hallway, where she could see two large white doors with the trim being a gorgeous gold. The ball of light stops,, turning almost to see if she had followed atfer it, it then turns wrinkly towards the door,, going through it ad if it was was ghost. Her finger tips only grazed upon the handle before the large doors swung open, causing her to step back a bit, the wind rush past her.

" Welcome Ms. Rose."

There was a group of people standing beside the door, all of them in a neatly formed line. The one closest to the door motion his hand to have her come in, Amy stared up at their faces, she didn't recognize any of them or even make their faces out.....all of their faces were blurry.
Amy entered the room slowly as a smaller girl walked up to her, her face being blurred as well.

" Miss Amy! You look so beautiful!" She cried out, her voice sounded so excited and genuine. Another figure then came up " Now Now _____.... Settle down darling.." her voice seemed so familar....it was so gentle and sweet.
Amy froze there for a moment as she stared at the mother and her child, *" I saw her lips move...but...I didn't hear her talk..."* she thought as she then looks up.

As she does so, she could see another person approaching them, a tall slender figure with a charming smile " Amy..." he spoke.
A smile appeared upon Amy's lips when seeing him, she rushes towards the tall blue hedgehog, taking his hands in hers.
" You're okay! I..I thought.." she could feel one of his fingers gently press up against her lips, shushing her.
" Shhh...it's alright...I'm alright.." he said calmly before taking her hands within his again, leading her towards the center of the room. She followed him as they walked to the center of the ballroom, where he took her hand in his and his other resting upon her hip. The two started to dance once again, Amy stared upon him as if she was in some kind of trance. Her cheeks began to get rosie and her heart started to beat up against her chest a bit.
*" He's so warm..."* she thought as she held closer to him.

my's eyes then open slowly as she held her head close to his chest. *" I've never been held like this before...."* she thought, as then her eyes wander down towards one of his arms. She raises a brow when seeing a bandage wrapped around it. She lifts her head slowly as she looks down at it. Her lips part a bit to ask where he had gotten the bandage from.

But before she could, thr dance came to a sudden stop. She looks up to his face " Sir...?" She asks as she looks up at him.  He didn't respond.
Amy tilts her head when seeing his eyes not looking down at her, but at something else. She then turns her head " What is it..?" She asks, but the moment she turns her head she could feel herself being being pushed to the side. But not by the blue hedgehog.
Amy fell to the ground, looking up to see who had pushed her. Her eyes widen a bit when seeing what was happening.

It was two men fighting eachother, one being the tall gentlemen as the other was a bit hard to make out. As his face was a bit blurred, she could see them tackling one another, their lips were moving but nothing could made out.
Amy gets up to help " Leave him alone!" She screams, her voice echoing through the ball room.
Grabbing on to the man's arm, trying to pull him off of the handsome man. She could feel him toss her aside, his voice was deep and almost distorted.
" aMy... sTaY oUt oF tHiS!" His voice boomed.
Amy shakes her head and gets up to attempt to stop the fighting between the two strange men. " No! This isn't right! He didn't do anything wrong!!" She yells , she grabs his arm again pulling on him " Please Sto-!"
Their was a loud slap, Amy falls to her feet. Holding her cheeks as he had slapped her away. The man looks down at her, " yOu'Re dElUsIoN wOmAn....gEt a GrIp! ThIs iS nO mAn!" He boomed.
Amy looks up, the gentlemen was on his knees, he looked to be struggling to get back up. His head was reaching towards her " Amy..." His sounded as if he was in need of her.
But before Amy could say or do anything. The sound of gun could be heard blasting off, the tall hedgehogs hand then goes limp.

Amy bolts up from the Beast, as a gasp of air escapes her lips.
The beast jolts up a bit when  feeling Amy's sudden movement, he groans as the feeling of his arm buzzed with pain. He looks to her " What the he.." he stops when seeing the petrified look upon the pink hedgehogs face. Her eyed looked to be glossy, as if she was about to cry.
The beast slowly moves his good arm towards her, " Hey....are you oka-" he gets cut off again when feeling her arms wrap around him. Her head embracing into his chest. He froze there for a moment, he looked around the sitting area seeing that none of his subjects were around. As they had fallen asleep here on the couch with one another. He then lowers his arms slowly, wrapping his good arm around her tightly and snug. " Hey....it's okay.....I'm....I'm here..." he says gently as he held her close.

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