The echo of dispear

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Amy could feel the air turn thick and as if the snow from outside came inside, made her stick to the dungeon floor when staring up at the monstrous figure.
Soon Shadow coughed  breaking the tension, Amy reached for his hand once again squeezing it tight. " Please let him out..." she asks as her head is down.
The monster scoffed " Why should I? He broke into my home and trespassed...." he than gets cut off, Amy bolting up from the floor " For trying to escape the bitter cold out there? How ruthless do you have to be to lock up a sick old man!" She yells.
But Amy wasn't on her feet for long, as the monster stood taller " SILENCE" his yelling coming out as a thundering roar. Amy covered her face when he lets out a thunderous roar. The monster continued " I will not hear such brutal words from someone like you... a trespasser..."
Amy's expression was once a frightened, but her face became sour as she than stomped forward " Yes I did trespass, and why?" Her words as red as her bow that tied her hair, " I came to find my poor missing father, and where do I find him? " by this point the monster was the one being put in the corner by a shorter pink hedgehog. " I FIND HIM IN SOME CASTLE ALMOST DYING ON THE FLOOR AND YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO TELL ME BECAUSE HE TRESPASSED!" She was on her tippy toes while she yelled at the monster.
But, Amy's courage didn't last long when she feels a hand pin her to the wall. But what really took her breath away was when this monster pinned her, the moonlight came through the window. Revealing a horrible sight, ears that pointed up, a muscle that showed a mouth sharp teeth, and the greenest eyes Amy has ever seen.
The beast could see the fear within her eyes that seemed to satisfy him, he than speaks " You don't talk to me knowing you are in my home.." his voice in growl.
Shadow eyes grew of panic when seeing his daughter pinned. He stands weakly, grabbing the bars " Please... don't hurt her...let her go..." Amy's head moves toward him, getting out of the monsters grasp, grabbing her poor fathers hand " I can't leave you... I'm not going to leave you.." she says softly.
Shadow looks to her, his eyes than widening as a shadow casted over the two. Amy turns, her back pressed to the bars " Please let him out... please.."
The monster scoffs, as he turns " I won't.. he trespassed on my-" he gets cut off when feeling her hand go on his arm and she appears in front of him " If that's the case I'll take his place."
The monsters eyes widen and takes a step back " What a joke.. you say you'll take... " he stops " you say you'll take his place..?" He asks as he looked back up to her.
Amy was staring at him as she nodded " Yea.. I'll take his place... now please let me out.." Soon Shadows voice was heard " Amy no! I've lived long enough... " She stood there ignoring her father, the beast staring down at her " you swear on your very life?"
She stares at him, her eyes beginning to water " I-I sw-swear " before she drops to the ground, covering her face as the dungeon door opens. Amy's father running toward and holding her " Amy please you don't have to do this.." he says before the beast grabs the collar of his shirt, her father being ripped from her arms. " AMY!" He yells as Amy gets up " Wait..!!" The door slams behind the monster, she bangs her hands against the door " PAPA I LOVE YOU!"
The only sound that echoed through the halls of that lonely castle along with the sounds of a maiden sobbing.

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