A Guest for Breakfast

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Amy hums to herself as she washes her hands in the sink of the castle kitchen, she was cleaning up after herself from helping cook breakfast. While Ms. Vanilla and Cream go deliver the breakfast they had made for their master, leaving Amy alone in the kitchen.
Amy found herself in bit of a daze, staring out into space as she washed her hands. Her mind on the wetehog who laid sick in bed, she thought a lot about what happened the day before. It all would rewind and play in her head, how she had fell off of the wagon, being chased by the wolves, and than being saved by Sonic. How everything had happened so fast that it almost felt as blur.
Amy sighs and slowly removes her hands from the warm water to be able to dry her hands on dress. But, something kept buzzing in Amy's head, the thought of Scrouge entered back into her mind. She had never seen him so angry before that it slightly frightened her, more than the roar that came from Sonic.
" I know he could be forceful...but, never thought he would push it so far." She thought aloud as she begun to dry her hands.  " I wonder if they ever made it out okay...." her thoughts go back to her father, by how excited and happy he was to see her when they came to castle to recuse her. " I hope Scrouge is treating him alright.." she often worried about her father's health, how she was nervous to ever go back to her village and never get to say goodbye to him, the only memory she would have of him of being saved from this place.

But in a odd twist, Amy started to see the castle not much as prison anymore, more such as a place she could relax. Back at home, it was a constant struggle trying to speak with any of the townsfolk, it was nice to hold a conversation with someone that didn't look bored with her. Amy slowly walks out of the kitchen and started to walk around the castles hallways, looking over at all of the decor that had lined the walls. " So much different art.." he whispers as she walked, she saw landscapes of green fields with strange hills that almost looked like spirals, landscapes with snowy hill tops, just so many that Amy woukd have to bring around a pencil and paper just to count all of the things she saw on the walls.
" I wonder if Sonic traveled to all of these places..." she thought aloud, but that only raised questions, as of how  the fearsome werehog would even leave the castle if he never came out of his room, all of it was truly odd.

Soon Amy found herself infront of the staircase that lead up towards the next level of the castle, the one that woukd lead Amy right up to Sonic's bedroom. She stood there, looking around for a moment. She took one of the railings and began to walk up the stairs, she couldn't help herself anymore " I need to know how he's doing..."

Ms. Vanilla, Knuckles, and Silver were all standing around Sonic's bed. While Cream and Blaze sat to the side as they watched three try to convince their master to eat.
The grumble hedgehog leans his head back from the spoon that was raised in front of him, " Sir...you must eat please..!" Knuckles pleaded as he held up the spoon for him. Sonic waved his hand at the distressed clock that wad trying to force feed him oatmeal.
Silver sighs " You won't get any better if you don't eat." He says as he watches their master.
Sonic groans a bit " I don't wish to eat  anything right now." He says as he looks away from his servants. Almost like a child that didn't wish to follow his parents orders.

Ms. Vanilla watched him, shaking her head a bit " Sir we all made this so you can eat, so please try...?" She suggests as she looks at him, Sonic didn't dare to look at her. " I said I'm not hungry." His tone was a bit more deeper, as if he was getting annoyed with his servants trying to force feed him.
All of the servants sighed at the same time, they all knew that they wouldn't be able to have him eat for them.
Ms. Vanilla hops on to her little rolling my tray " Come Cream, we shall go see how the kitchens going." He says as the small tea cup comes to her and stands beside her mother. While Blaze joins Sliver and Knuckles as they make their way towards the door. Blaze brushes up against Silver, whispering into his ear " It'll be okay darling. Just give him time..." she says softly before Silver smiles at her.
Knuckles turns his head to look at the hedgehog that laid in bed before disappearing behind the door.

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