Breakfast with the Werehog

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The sun slowly rises over the castle as time passes, making the snow outside sparkle slightly, making it brighter than it usually was—the sunlight peaks through Amy's curtains, shining over her face and causing her to toss and turn. She groans, her body and minds waking up slowly as her face is kissed by sunlight. 

Amy slowly sits up in her bed, her quills a mess and her blanket scattered around her bed. Amy yawns and rubs her eyes as she slowly looks over to the curtains; her tired eyes then slowly widen. Amy moves out of her bed and approaches the curtains, pulling them open to see outside. Amy's eyes widen as she looks out. 

From what Amy was seeing was almost abnormal in this world. The usual gloomy gray sky was now a sky blue; the sun was overshining the castle and over the forest. The snow that lay on the ground shimmered slightly. Her smile then widens a little " Wow..." She whispers. Amy had never seen the castle this bright before; it looked so beautiful that the spooky atmosphere of it slowly melted away to reveal true beauty. 

Amy then could hear Holly yawning as she began to wake up from her long slumber, but before saying good morning or anything, Amy could hear her gasp slightly " Oh my..!" she gasped gently. Holly slightly moves a little to come closer to the window alongside Amy, looking outside as if she had forgotten what it had looked like. "It's been so long since I have seen it like this..." she comments. Amazed by how bright it was, Amy nodded in agreement " Yeah..." she replies. Holly then straightens up, " I believe I have just the dress for today..." She says gently. Amy raises a brow and looks over, her eyes widening a little to see the dress presented by Holly. " Oh wow..." she says gently. 

*Meanwhile, in the west wing*

Sonic groaned as he lay in bed, pulling his pillow over his head when he could hear something trotting around the stairs that led up to his room. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to cut out the noise to catch a few extra minutes of sleep. But that idea shattered when he heard what sounded like a bucket falling from the steps, clattering down every step. He lifts from his bed, " Okay, what in the world is going on..." He groans through gritted teeth. Sonic removes himself from his bed, the sound of his footsteps stomping on the ground as he wipes the door open " ALRIGHT, WHAT'S GOING ON?" He demands. As Sonic opens the door, he stands back a bit to see the mops staring at Knuckles before turning to look at Sonic. Knuckle's mouth was slightly ajar as if he was ready to scold them. 

A nervous smile spread across the clock " Good morning, Sir!" he greets, putting his hands behind him " Sorry for disturbing you...We shall be on our way..!" He says quickly as he ushers the mops to follow him down the stairs; some get going to mop up the water that had flooded the marveled stairs. 

Sonic leans against the door frame, crossing his arm as he stares at his nervous clock. " Knuckles..." Knuckles stopped; he knew they couldn't hide what they were up to forever. He turns his head to look at his master. Sonic tilts his head a little " What are you up to? All night I've heard noises throughout the castle." He says. Knuckles sighs, trotting over to Sonic, " Sir, the others and I have found our motivation again; we feel alive." He began as he looked up at Sonic. " So we have gathered all of the servants to clean and restore the castle; we polished every single window, staircases, mopped every floor." he goes on, a smile growing over his lips more and more. 

Sonic listens to Knuckles, his head tilting to the side as he explains everything the servants have done. A smile slowly appears on Sonic's lips, " You....and everyone did that?" he asks; knuckles nods his head " Yes, cause we have hope." He says, only hoping that Sonic shared that same new founding hope that everyone else felt. Sonic stood there for a moment, thinking of the times he felt hopeless that he would be stuck like this forever and that his servants had to share the same fate because of his actions. Sonic's head slowly turned into his room, staring at the rose that began to wilt. Staring at the rose made Sonic worry about how it felt, as if he was running out of time and if his feelings were genuine for Amy. 

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