A Familiar Flashback

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After Amy was given the library, they often found each other there. Sonic would sit beside her when she saw a book for her to read. He found her voice rather soothing as she read fluently throughout the different books. 

"And they both lived happily ever after.." Amy then closed the book she was reading, sighing softly to herself with a honey glow illuminating her cheeks. Sonic tilted his head up to look at her, smiling when seeing her. " What a lovely story..." He complimented, as he enjoyed the story she decided to read him. Amy giggled a little as she placed the book in front of her. " I enjoy reading fairy tales; their romance always captures my heart..." She expresses, placing her hand over her chest to feel it beat. 

Sonic chuckles, " I always enjoyed the adventure parts of tales, as they always sounded so exciting to travel far out." Amy nodded, " I'm glad we can agree; I always pictured myself venturing on my own one day..." her fingers then glided over the book cover. Her soft smile fades from her face as the thought of her home comes to mind. She dearly missed her father and friends back in the small village. Seeing them again would genuinely make her happy, but amongst all her thoughts, she thought of Scrouge. A sour taste formed in her mouth. Amy's thoughts have changed throughout their encounters, always leading to the same old question about considering her hand in marriage. She had lost count of the excuses she would tell him, even bringing in her father for him to stop. Sadly that didn't last for long as Scrouge began to pressure her father into getting his blessing. Amy leaned back in her chair more; Sonic tilted his head up from his arms, seeing how Amy's cheerful mood had declined.
" Is...something wrong, Amy..?" He asks, a concerned look flushed over his face.
Amy looks up at him, her cheeks turning to a soft pink. " Uh.." she bites her bottom lip, she usually lied to others about her encounters with Scrouge, but to Sonic, she couldn't lie to him.
Amy takes a deep breath, " I'm just thinking about home...." she says softly, " Such as my father and my friends..." her voice was quiet. 

Sonic stared at her, looking away a little " I bet you miss them all..." He comments, feeling a little guilty for keeping her here. Amy turns her head to look at him, " I do...But." Sonic could feel her hand gently lay over his, her fingertips gently rubbing his hand. " But, I've met new and wonderful friends here too. Like, Silver, Knuckles, Ms. Vanilla, and her child." She says gently; he then could feel her hand squeeze his hand a little, " and you..." Sonic turned his head to gaze at her, his cheeks becoming a soft pink. " You...consider me as a friend? Even though I'm keeping you here...?" He questioned. 

Amy nodded her head to him; he could see her scoot in her chair a little to come closer. " I do...Yes, we had a rocky start. But, once I started to get to know you...I take back on whatever I've said about you.." Sonic could see her cheeks becoming pinker as she spoke. " I've learned that you're so much nicer and...For the first, I feel comfortable around someone." Her voice grew soft like honey poured into a hot cup of tea.
Sonic's hand then overlaps hers, giving it a soft squeeze. Amy's gaze turns to look up at him, her eyes glimmering a little. " And I take back whatever I've said about you, Amy..." he spoke, his cheeks turned to a soft pink. " I must agree...I've never felt comfortable around people before, but since I've met you...It's been nice to be myself." His voice was like a sympathy that played through Amy's ears.
Amy then giggled, glad to know she was no longer alone. 

Sonic then removes his hands away from hers, crossing his arms again to lean on them. " So, what story would you like to read next?" He asks.
Amy looks up to all the shelves of books, biting her bottom lip a little " Oh, there's so many..." she comments as she gets up from the chair and starts to roam around the library. " hmm.." she hummed to herself. Amy looked along the different shelves to her eye level before grabbing hold of one of the ladders to lead her up to the higher shelves.
Sonic lifted his head to watch her and began to like the curious look Amy's face would make. It was cute to see her eyes light up on a book she's heard about or once read before.

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