There is Someone Always Watching

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While everyone was occupied in the dining hall, watching the two hedgehog laugh and feast on the freshly prepared food. Scrouge slowly crept along the passageways, ensuring each step was lighter than a feather. He had been sneaking around the castle for a few days, and the food he had packed with him was starting to go low. Scrouge held his stomach when feeling the tension of hunger growl at him. 

Scrouge was starting to rethink his plan; if he continued to keep pushing this, he surely would starve or be discovered by anyone. *" Is this all really this worth it?"* he asked himself. Scrouge knew he could get any woman in the village, so many would drop down to their knees to beg for him to put a ring on any of them. Yet here he was, focused on one girl. But, as Scrouge was sneaking through one of the many passageways that lead through the dining hall, he could feel his ear twitch. 

" Hehe! Do you want it? Come get it!" 

Scrouge slowly turned his head, opening up the latch that allowed him to see what was happening down below. He could see Amy on one side of the table and Sonic on the other. They looked to be running in circles as if Sonic was chasing after her. 

Amy held what looked to be the last piece of bacon; she began to dangle it in the air a little. Sonic smirks a little as he goes one way, and Amy leads off in another direction. Smiling and laughing, Sonic was able to catch up with her in some miracle. Instead of pulling her by her dress to stop, Amy could feel too large hands grasps her hips. She lets out a soft squeak, as she wasn't expecting to feel his hands grab her hips. Sonic grinned more and held Amy up in the air, " Got you! Now gimme that piece of bacon!" he said with a deep chuckle. 

Amy's cheeks had lit up to a bright pink when feeling her feet dangle from the ground, but she smiled at him and held the bacon higher " Sonic! Put me down!" she laughed, squirming in his hands a little as if she was trying to break free. 

Scrouge's bottom eyelid twitched slightly, his hand gripping the latch. Seeing how this monster was allowed to grab her, how they laughed with one another, and how he made her blush began to set a fiery rage.*" This monster...."* he thought as he shut the latch, trying to echo their happy affairs. *" That should be me down there. I should be the one holding her, not this...this...ANIMAL"* he screamed within his mind. The green hedgehog only became greener, his jealousy starting to ooze with each step he took as he walked through the passageways. *" She rejects me, defiles me, and yet she is smiling and laughing with something that could gobble her up..."* The more thoughts flooded his mind, the more his temper rose. 

But shortly, Scrouge's thoughts were interrupted when hearing the voices of the servants down below. 

" Knuckles, we need to put this plan into first gear and quick," Silver speaks as he walks alongside his colleague. Scrouge raises a brow; he resorted to crawling on his hands and knees to try and listen better to these strange-talking household items.

" Don't you think I know this already, Silver?" he questioned; Knuckles felt their time had become relatively short. Silver nodded, " Yes, I do know, that you know. But..." Silver ushers Knuckles a little bit away from the group, ensuring the others don't hear what is about to be said. " The rose..." Silver whispers to him. 

Knuckles could feel his gears almost stiffen, " And what about it? We all know that it's wilting.." he says. Silver lowers his head; the little flames that usually bounced and danced were coming to a slight flicker. " It's wilting faster than we thought, my dear friend." He replies; Silver lifts his head a little to look at the clock. Worry had filled the usual joyful candlestick. Knuckles eyes widen just slightly, and the sound of his ticking silences for a moment; he could tell they were running out of time. Knuckles takes a deep breath, grasping onto Silver's shoulders to straighten up his friend's posture. " Then we need to work faster. Silver, my good friend, we must keep our heads up." He says. Knuckles handles then slowly loosen, " Besides, if we fail...At least..." Knuckles eyes gradually veer toward Blaze, " At least you'll have your loved one beside you, and not like this old clock which has been forgotten." 

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