Recreating that Night

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Sonic sat perfectly still on a stool as one of his servants groomed and trimmed his untamed hair that stood up along his quills and face. He groans, slightly turning to see Knuckles and Silver reviewing what kind of neckwear he'd be wearing this evening.
Sonic clears his voice, " Ah hm....are you two going to tell me what's happening? Or do I have to wait another hour of grooming to know?" He asks. He was beginning to feel a little impatient, as he and Amy did have plans to go to the library and read more. Sonic thought he was in his room for hours as they brushed, trimmed, and filed his nails.
Knuckles turns to look at him while Silver chuckles a little " I can't believe you haven't caught on just yet." He remarks. Sonic raises a brow before looking into the mirror, watching one of the other servants snip more hair before nodding their head. " Caught on to what?" Sonic questioned, still not understanding what his servants were up to.

Knuckles sighs, placing one of the many neckties down. " Sir, do the girl?" Sonic's body slightly tenses at Knuckle's question, his cheeks becoming somewhat rosy. " Well, uh..." Silver watches their master stutter, " Just be honest, sir." Silver says as he and Knuckles await Sonic's answer.

Sonic stared at himself in the mirror, looking over the form that had been cursed upon him. Throughout the few days, Sonic had gotten to know Amy, and spending time with her has been a blessing. She brought in a fresh summery breeze that warmed any room. Recalling the night he had been cursed, the little time he danced around with Amy in the ballroom. He remembered feeling something toward her, or it was his blind reaction to seeing how her beauty shined that night. He lowers his head slightly, recalling how much of a snob he was during that time and his entire life. Sonic's head slowly turns towards the rose that hovered inside the glass dome. The people he had lost in the process and the people he had harmed. Watching as its magic slowly flickered, seeing the petals lying underneath already withered away made Sonic nervous. His curse had gone by so fast when he was rage ridden; how he had wasted so much time instead of taking chances.

Sonic slowly rises from the chair he is sitting in; Knuckles and Silver glance up at him, both still waiting for Sonic's answer. Sonic slowly approaches the enchanted rose, placing his hands on the table. Staring at the swirls of magic spinning around the rose, he couldn't help but stare into its dazzling beauty. His cheeks became a soft rosy pink when staring at the rose as it reminded him of a certain pink Hedgehog.

" I...I don't think I could see myself without her..."

Silver and Knuckles hold their breath when hearing their prince begin to admit his feelings for the girl, something that they were expecting, but if this were during the time of his cruel snobbiness, they would be shocked. Silver smiles a bit, his flames burning slightly brighter than ever before. " Well, we don't have all day.." He says as Knuckles holds up a necktie, a smile curling over his lips. Sonic turns his head to look at the two of them, his cheeks still a rosy red. " Let's do it.." he says as he walks back towards them, sitting in the chair to continue getting ready.

While they dressed Sonic, the enchanted that lay beside the rose began to shine a soft green and a faint noise of what could be exampled as a bell chiming.


The humming could be heard inside Amy's room, and what sounded like the trimming of scissors and hair brushing. Amy sat in a chair as the Wardorabe began to brush her hair, brushing out everything to make it as silky as possible. Amy gripped the chair slightly, unaware of what was happening still.

Amy could feel herself growing a bit impatient with everything that was surrounding her. She tilts her head up slightly to look up at the wardrobe. " I don't mean to sound rude or anything...But why have all of you been pampering me?" she asks. Amy wasn't used to the idea of someone or people pampering her the way the servants had been doing; it made her feel a little bit of snob she would occasionally read about in one of the many books she had read in the past; it was something she felt that didn't fit her. The wardrobe stops brushing momentarily before glancing at the others; Ms. Vanilla, Blaze, and Cream look in their direction. Ms. Vanilla's smile slowly spreads over her porcelain, " Oh, child, it's not rude." She begins as she slowly hobbles her way toward them.

She glances over at Amy, seeing how much of a fine lady she is. " But, for all this pampering, there is something...enchanting that will happen tonight with you and Sonic." She says. Ms. Vanilla worried about how much pressure they had put on the girl, walking into their situation with no idea what the outcome would be. Ms. Vanilla glances at the vanity, looking into the mirror that shows her reflection of her and Amy. " I don't know if you know this, Amy. But, since you arrived here that first day...You've somehow managed to change our beastly friend." She says.

Amy sat on the stool as she listened to Ms. Vanilla go on, talking about how she had somehow changed the beast that was across the castle. She sat there in thought for a second. Taking in the moment from how long she has been staying in the palace and how their relationship first started. It was a rocky start to it all, from his explosive temper and her stubbornness clashing against one another; it seemed funny to her now from how they used to bicker and fight. Amy's lips began to curl slightly, thinking of the better memories they had made now with one another.

" To be honest... Sonic is one of the first people to make feel more than just some.....object." She says gently, her cheeks becoming slightly rosy at the thought. When she is in the village, many men, including Scrouge, make her feel like she is supposed to be a decoration for their lives. She only looked over the surface, instead wanting to know more about Amy. A soft chuckle escapes her lips, " He makes me feel so important...I love the way he laughs...His hugs are always so warm too..." Amy could feel her heart beating against her chest as she thought fondly of Sonic and his more caring attitude toward her.

Ms. Vanilla watched as the girl grew giddy at the thought of love, making her smile and think of when she first fell head over heels for someone. Seeing Amy made her miss her dear husband, someone she wished she could see again after this curse had been lifted. She takes a deep breath, " Well, just a few things need to be done, and then you can go see him." She says with a smile. Blaze makes her way towards the vanity, smiling ear to ear when sensing the feeling of romance.

From that time forward, Amy's hair was styled into beautiful curls and ringlets, makeup was brushed across her eyelids, and lipstick was painted on her plush lips. The more they added, the more Amy looked like a princess.

While Outside,

As the afternoon shifted towards the evening, someone's footprints could be seen in the snow. Scrouge had managed to escape the castle without being noticed. After gaining everything, he knew he had to stage something back at home. " And if I am correct...that Foolish old man is out there somewhere.." he said aloud as he walked through the darkened path. Scrouge knew Shadow wouldn't stop at anything when finding his beloved daughter.

Scrouge turns to look at the castle again, " I'll come back for you, Amy...and the head of you're beast too.." A grin slowly spread over his wicked face before disappearing into the night.

Else Where

Scrouge was right in what he said about Shadow, as he was now wandering through the dark parts of the forest. His old bones began to shake and shiver the more he walked. " I have to find Amy..." He muttered as he walked. His lantern flickered slightly in the wind, he knew he should've turned back, but he couldn't give up hope. From what he has gathered, Scrouge had abandoned his promise of bringing his daughter back to him, or something had happened to Scrouge when walking around the forest. " I told him I should've tagged along..." he muttered again through gritted teeth.

Shadow had wandered further into the darkness, his light being the only thing that shined before also dimly disappearing into the dark.

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