Twisted Thoughts

443 19 15

The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the forest, as well as the sound of wolves.
Scrooge was to focused by shooting at the wolves then seeing Amy had fallen off of the wagon, Shadow didn't notice his beloved daughter had fallen off as well as he was trying to lead them out of the forest and back to the village as soon as possible.

But, the one to watch in horror was Tails. Who saw Amy fell over board, but he was stunned to speak as the loud bang from the Scrouges rifle made his ears ring. That he had to cover them, closing his eyes to try and shield the loud banging.
The image of Amy falling over board, stunned him. As he hated the thought of his friend falling over.

Scrouge held up his gun close as he saw the wolves scatter, a smirk coming to his face as he lowered it. " That was...exciting.." he mutters as he stared over the scene.
He then moves to look back at the old man and Tails, he then stops. His eyes scanning over the empty wagon and where Amy was sitting. His lips part a bit " Where....where is Amy?" He asks.

Shadows head theb looks back, " What do you mea-" he stops. He stops the horse almost immediately,  causing a quick jerk that almost made Scrouge loose his balance.
Shadow stood up " A-Amy!!" He yelled, as his eyes scanned over the wagon. His eyes then looking up at Scrouge " Where is she?" He asks, his voice sounding panicked.

After the ringing cleared from Tails ears he turns to look up at them, looking between to the two. His lips parting a bit, he hated seeing how dreadful Shadow looked and the look upon Scrouges face said everything that he was clueless of his actions. Tails then stands up, brushing his pants off a bit " Uh...S-she fell off.." he said.

Shadow and Scrouge looked to Tails, Shadow grabs the child's collar " When??? When did she fall off??" He asks, almost shaking Tails.
Tails holds on to his hands, trying to keep himself still so the both of them don't fall off of the wagon. " Not to far back!! When we hit that big bump!" He yells out in a panic.

They then could hear the sound of Scrouge leap off of the wagon and on to the ground, he had gus rifle slinged over one of his arms as well a bag. " You two go back to the village. I'll go find Amy." He says in a stern tone as he started walking.
Shadow looks to him, " You can't! Its to dangerous!" He calls out, " At least let me-"
" You'll only slow me down. Go home old man." He said sternly as he continued onward.

" I'll find Amy....and prove to you and her....that I deserve her..." he mutters under his breath as he walked forward into the forest, that Tails or Shadow couldnt see hus outline no longer.
Tails watches Scrouge walk off, he would've spoken up to say something but was in fear that he woukd snap on him. He looks to Shadow as a soft sigh comes from him, patting his shoulder a bit " Come on sir....let's get you home.." he says gently before sitting down.
Shadow was still standing up right as he watched Scrouge walk away, as much as he didn't care for Scrouge and his ways. He couldnt deny his help as he was the only one willingly to go find his darling rose, he theb slowly sits down. Taking the leaches within his hand. Taking Tails and him back towards the village were everyone awaited for them.

The dismount the wagon, Tails watched the poor old man who slowly walked towards his little home. Tails slowly walks up behind him " you need an.." he stops when Shadow turned to face him. His face was full of sorrow.

" I'll be fine Tails.." he spoke gently. " I'm just disappointed in I couldn't protect my own daughter...." he says as he turned around, " Shes probably disappointed in me as well..." he said as he walked off quickly towards his lonely home were he had no warm smiles greeting him nor warm hugs.
Even when entering through the door. He could feel the thick air as when coming in. He hung up his coat, walking down the hallway before stopping at a painting within the hall. He stared at it for a moment. " I'm sorry darling....." he said gently as he stared at it, it was a painting of a beautiful woman who was adored in gold and held a small bundle, his wife. The one he promised to protect Amy for the rest of her life until she decided to move on.

Tails stood there as he watched the older man walk off to his home, Tails then turns his head to walk off towards the towns inn. He could feel the dread that came from Shadow, how it left a terrible taste in his mouth. But, what Tails couldn't stop thinking about Scrouge's actions towards Amy when she was on the wagon during the chase. He knew Scrouge could be harsh, but never violent. Especially towards someone he would confess his love too almost daily, everything was just so odd and strange. But, the more Tail's was thinking, the more his mind ran before he felt something bump into him. He freezes and almost immediately jumps back " Oh my! I-I'm sorry..." he stuttered
As he looked to see who it was, he was greeted by a smaller figure staring up at him.

It was that girl from the tavern, his cheeks were a slight reddish color when seeing her again " H-Hi....Cosmo.." he said gently as he stared down at her. " A-are you okay...?" He asks gently as he looked at her.

Cosmo rubbed her head a little, but not as if she was hurt but more embarrassed. " Heh...yeah I'm fine" she says softly as she looked up at the yellow fox, her head tilts to the side " How was your hunt...? Where you able to find miss Amy?" She asks, her voice soft.
Tails mouth parts a bit, a sigh coming from him " W-we did....but..." he pauses, " But...on our way back, we got ambushed by a bunch of wolves.."
He could hear Cosmo gasp a bit, " Wolves..?? Did you guys find her? Is she safe?" She asks a bit panicked.
Tails stares at her, trying to find his words " W-were not sure.... Scrouge is out loo-"

" I doubt it."

Tails pauses a bit at what Cosmo says, he stares at her. " Doubt it...? What do you mean..?" His head was tilted to the side, usually no one really doubted Scrouge's hunting and tacking skills. He was for certain that he could find her with no problem.
Cosmo stared at Tails blankly " By this time....the so called beast Amy's father mentioned....would have found her by now.." she says gently as she started walking towards her home, Tails following behind her.

" never know...she might still be out there, waiting for Scr-"

" Amy wouldn't wait for Scrouge..." she says as she turns to look at Tails, " We all know that she would be fighting for her life....either the beast or the wolves...she would not want Scrouge to find her." She says as she opens her door. " Goodnight Tails..." she says before closing the door.

Tails stood there puzzled, as questions started riding through his mind " Not to find her...?" He questioned as he started walking. He wasn't sure what her words meant now, that they were twisted or that the spoke the truth. Cosmo was a bit strange, people always said she spoke of nonsense and myths. But, Tails looked past it as she was wise and her stories were always entertaining. He never thought of then of being lies or nonsense. He wandered back to his home, looking it around before heading towards his room to turn in for the night. As the thought from Cosmo spun within her mind.

Scrouge also settled down for the night, his back was up against a tree as he had lit a small fire. He was still awake, he stared into the fire. His fingers tapping against his arm a bit. He was nowhere near the path yet towards that mysterious castle that was surrounded by harsh winds and snow.
" I will find it. I will find her." He mutters. " and I'll give her a piece of my mind....that she listens to me only."
He sat there awake while staring within the flames that danced around. Making his expression more grim and dark, " And when I come back with her.." he stops, as a thought comes to mind, his lips tugging into a small smile. It wasn't a normal friendly smile either, his lips curled into a devilish grin. " I'll take her somewhere far away..." he says gently, " Somewhere that her father wouldn't look....where Tails wouldn't find me.... We'll disappear.....and I'll force her to be my wife no matter what.." a small deep chuckle comes from his throat, " They wouldn't suspect a thing....they would all think we died...and that I tried saving her.... I would be a hero..." he chuckles again.
His head slowly looking down towards the path, " Don't worry Amy....your prince will be coming..." he says gently before tilting his head back, closing his eyes as the flame still flickered.

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