A Nightmarish Dream

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Amy nibbled on a cookie before yawning softly, rubbing her eyes a big before looking to everyone. It seemed that the feather duster left the room, the dresser looked to be asleep, and the tea pot with her cup look to be heading out.

But, before the cup and tea pot left. Cream looks to Amy, a smile to her face " Have good night!" She says happily as Vanilla looks to her and nods, " Pleade do get some rest my dear.." she says as the two of them go out of the room.

Amy was at the door, nodding " I will...thank you again.." she says shutting the door behind her. Her body felt so drained, yet her mind was filled with so many questions as if this was a dream still or not. As she went to lay down in the bed, snuggling into the covers she looked out the window. The snow twinkling slightly from the moonlight. Amy laughs a bit " Heh...it looks like the storm has settled...." she says as she started to drift off to sleep.

As Amy slept in the soft bed, her mind started to wander. A dream starting in her mind as she laid to rest.

The sound of music was going through the air, a piano to be exact. As well as the sound of laughter and talking. But, as Amy was walking around, she couldn't make out anyone. They were all just silhouettes of men and woman.

"W-where am I...?"

Amy pondered as she walked around the crowd, the music seemed to dance around everyone, and everyone looked to be having a wonderful time. But, something seemed off....as if she was there before. As Amy walked around her dream, staring at everyone she doesn't notice that she bumps into someone. She stops and looks up " Oh I'm sorry...I didn't see you...." she looks to the figure.

He wasn't just a silhouettes, he was a full person. He turns to look at her, his eyes were the color of bright emeralds and his quills were a beautiful royal blue. He smiles, showing his perfect teeth. " Heh...its quite alright...I wouldn't have yelled at something as beautiful as you.." he says.

Amy stared at him, her heart starting to beat against her chest slightly, she coughs a bit " O-Oh...thank you..." she says. As than she could feel him take her hand, gently kissing her hand as he looked to her. Amy's heart continues to beat harder as he pulls her in, both of them starting to dance with her.

It felt like they were dancing for hours, as if it were a new beginning for them both. Amy stared at him as he spun her around in his arms, he was so gentle when holding her. But, that same feeling came back to her.

"Why does this feel so familiar...? Why do I feel like I've been here before....? Why does he look familiar...?"

As Amy thought, she could feel a sudden stop. As if the wind was howling, and the doors started slamming open and close. The once lit room was started to dim. Amy looked around the room, as if everyone vanished, she held tight to the man " W-whats going on...?" She asks. The man looks around as well " I'm not sure..." he says. He looks to her, about to open his mouth. The sound of a haunted howl goes through the air, and growling seemed to get louder. Amy held on to the man, putting her head into his chest. He holds her close to him. " Everything will be al-!" Amy could feel him be jerked away.

The man was now being dragged by something, he screams as he is trying to escape its grasp. It was a tall, vicious, and horrible monster who was taking the man away in complete darkness.

Amy's stood there frozen before trying to run after them "No!! Don't take him! Please!!" She yells. The man and the monster started to fade away more into the darkness as Amy followed behind. As she was getting closer, she saw a face appear infront of her. Its long teeth, monsterous eyes, and dark blue fur stares back at her. He snarls. Amy stops and starts to walk backwards, falling down as he came nearer. " No please!!" Amy yells as he lunged towards.

Amy bolts up from the bed, her hand over her heart as she looked around her room. Sweat pouring down her face a bit. As she looked around the room, everything looked still. As if nothing had move.

" Wh...what was that...? Who...who was that man...?" She asked herself as she curled up in a ball on her bed. Trying to calm herself. " Why was that monster there....why..why..?" She stubbles on her words a bit.

"Who was that man....?"

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