unexpected surprises

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Amy's cry's of sorrows echoed through the halls of the castle. As her fathers yells bounce back to her.
Shadow grasped the beasts sleeve " P-please! Spare her life! " he pleads. The beast growls and looks to the man " She's made her choice." He speaks as he throws the man out, some other enchanted creature latched onto him, carrying him away.

The beast watches, soon going back inside only to be greeted by his servants. The candle stick, Silver began to speak " M-master.." he doesn't get a word out before the beast gives him a look, starting to walk away. Silver runs in front of him again " You aren't just going to leave her up there are you? " the beast stops and rolls his eyes " Of course I am, she knows what she was taking on." He says in a snobbish tone. He continues to walk. Before a settle yet high pitch voice speaks up " You are doing what!?" Scooting along on a tea carriage was a tea pot with settle designs, Ms. Vanilla. " Young man, if I had my arms I would pinch your ears and pull you down to my level." Even as a teapot she was still intimidating.
" You shall give that poor and distressed young woman a room at once." She commanded.
The beast steps back a bit, his shoulders going down along with his ears. He looks back at her, growling slightly " I'm not taking order from a servant.." he mumbles. Wrong choice as he hears her speaks with a sad tone " Oh you are so cruel! Take the poor girl's father away! Taking her freedom away...!" She says looking away from him. A clock gently pats the top of her head gently, Knuckles " and you never know Sir... she might be our only hope...."
The beast covers his face and sighs loudly " Fine! I'll give her a room! " he says, starting to storm up. But before getting to the stairs. Ms. Vanilla was in front of him " Not with an attitude like that! Try to act gentle with her...be... be.." Silver jumps up and finishes her sentence " Be a gentlemen!" He crosses his arms " Stand up straight, actually show remorse." Beast than straightens his back, he looks away " A-Alright!" Beast started walking up the stairs, halfway he stops. He takes a deep breath, smoothing back his quills. His eyes open " Why should I act remorse for her? She's nothing but a little goody good." Referring back to that horrible night, were Amy and him danced for nearly an hour before she left with her father. As these thoughts go through his head, they get interrupted.
Sonic could hear her cries, and her soft mumbling. One being " Ill stay strong for you father... I promise..."
Sonic looks down the stairs before going all the way up. Opening the door, he could hear Amy scrabbling to her feet.
He looks to her, he could clearly see that she was crying by her rosy cheeks and blood shot eyes. Sonic takes a deep breath " Come with me, I'll take you... to your room." He says turning, but stops. " My room...? But I thought.." her voice low and quiet. " I decided you'll be better off in a warmer environment, I don't want you getting sick." He says. With no words she starts to follow him.
Going down the staircase,and soon through a passageway.
Amy was mostly looking down at her feet, trying to think of the events that just happened. She than started getting a weird feeling, she lifts her head towards the beast. Were she notices his head jerk forward. He was watching her, she looks away from him. Looking over the paintings and little details around the castle walls in dim light.

The beast continued to walk along the shadowy passageway as Amy walked behind him. The only sound was their footsteps and the creaking floorboards.
Beast continued to walk as than turning down a corner, but what he didn't notice that she got distracted by something. And it was the smell of food, Amy hadn't eaten all day and the smell of it just made her stomach growl.

Beast opens the door and turns " This is your room, I hope it will be to..." he notices that she was in longer behind him, he looks around " That sneaky girl...trying to escape as my back was turned.." he says in anger, slamming the door shut as his footsteps echoed. " I knew I shouldn't have trusted her, I try to give her a nice room. Once I catch that no good goody tisue I'll lock her up in the tower." He growled as he walked.

Amy fell in a enchantment as she walked into the dining room, were food was laid out. The smell of roast chicken, veggies, and fresh bread made her stomach growl louder.

She walks around the table " So many things to eat...I've never seen so much food in my life.." her voice was soft. " but I shouldn't be greedy...maybe I'll just take a roll.." as she picked up the warm dinner roll, she could hear the roar from the beast.

" WHERE ARE YOU? YOU CAN'T HIDE!" Startled by the roar she nearly dropped her roll.

" He has such a horrible temper..." Amy nearly froze when hearing the voice of a child, she turns " W-who said that?" She asked as she held onto her dinner roll. A giggle was heard " I said that!"

A tea cup came bouncing along the dinner table, " Don't worry miss..are you okay..?"

Amy froze from disbelief " Y-your...a-a t-t-tea..." but she gets cut off as another voice was heard, " Cream there you are! How many times do I have to..." the carriage with Ms. Vanilla was riding on came to a halt. As Silver and Knuckles road on it as well with her. Silver waves his candle hand " Why madam you looked like you just saw a gho- ACK!"
" Of course she looks like that! Shes talking to a candle, a teapot, and clock!" He yells at him.

Amy slowly moved towards the door " T-this cant be real....no this cant be... first a beast..now talking houseware..."
The doors than swung open before she could reach them, Beast's face looking red " there you are...running off?" He towered over her.

Amy's little heart couldn't take anymore as the beast and the servants watched as Amy faints. Beast looking down at her, a surprised look. " uh..."

" Now look what you done! You scared the poor girl out of her wits!" Silver yelled. Knuckles smacked Silver once again " It wasnt just Sonic you twit! Us talking might've scared her too." He says with a frustrated tone.

Beast looked down at her, she even had a frightened face when fainting. He gulps as he leans down to pick up the maiden. While his servants argued with one another. Holding her close as he walked her to her room. Pushing the door with his foot.
He laid her down on the bed and stared at her for only a moment, now he realized why she wasnt behind him in the first place. She was probably hungry and he didn't give that much an idea. Soon he left the room, looking at her as he shuts the door.

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