Chapter 11:His Past Resurface

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Mario POV

Everything is not  going very well for when the producers firing him from the movie when he is suppose to OO7.Its suppose to be his dream role and now the sponsors drop him from commercial and then his past is resurface when the tabloids are doing on Mario,He found the note on the door is facing conviction from the home.
"What the-UGH??"
He is start tearing up that paper when he got the phone call from his manager.He pick up and answer the telephone.
"Mario,I don't know what to tell you this.Do you remember that girl you have affair with Linda the prostitute?"
"Look what about her because I can't with that so tabloids right now OK?"
"Well they disqualified her from the Beauty Pageant."
"OMG I can't believe it's really happening like this."
"Because they know about her she is HIV everybody turn on her really bad."
"You know what,I'm coming to Chicago to see she is OK."
"There is worse.She is already found out about your abusing your ex wife and accidentally hit your daughter Amanda.DO YOU REALIZED WHAT YOU DONE TO YOUR FAMILY?"His manager yell at Mario.
"LOOK it was a accident."
" They are threatening to leak the video to the media."
"WHATT?They can't do that."
"Mario,your tempers is taking your tole on your career,You are hurting your own images.I'm gonna resigned as your manager."
"Mario the services are no longer needed anymore goodbye."
"Wait please don't-UGH DAMN IT."
Mario is finally upset about the situation leak to the press about him and now he is making his decision talking to himself.
"I'm going to Chicago.I'm done Hollywood with good.I gotta found Linda."

Two Hours later

Mario finally arrived back in his hometown when he arrived at her house when he knock on her door."
No answer when he kick down the door and found out body on the ground.
"Mario saw her brother David and he is crying when they try to save her.
"David,What the happened to your sister?"
David is finally stop crying when he finally yell at him.

"My sister is dead because of you."

Author note:WOW what a twist  and shocker now Linda is dead!Uh Oh Mario is freaking out.It's getting good.Stay tune readers.😳😱

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