Chapter 52:Health Secret Revealed

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Michael POV at the hospital in NYC with Tatiana and her daughter Amanda

Michael is still in the hospital room stand by Tatiana's side while she lay there with bruise on her head and stitches on her on the side of her face. He is waiting on the doctor and wonder when they release her and his daughter Amanda from the hospital. They been there since earlier November. Michael is wasting no time to ask Dr. Jessie the nurse who is now working on Amanda recover from trauma during been kidnaped.

"Excuse me Dr. Jesse, Do you know how is Amanda? Any changes yet?"

"Michael, come with me."

Both Michael and Dr. Jesse sets down on the couch as he revealed about Tatiana and Amanda's condition.

"Good news that Tatiana is OK but-"

"But what bad news?"

"Tatiana made have PTSD."

Michael is in shock cover his mouth while holding back his tears.


"Posttraumatic Stress Disorder."

"Did she had history of this?"

"She is experience like been physical sexual assault abuse and includes domestic abuse."

Michael is stun. He got up the chair and  is walking around thinking.

"Michael, Tati is gonna need a treatment and medication for PTSD  Trauma Therapy for anxiety disorder."

"How long?"

"It will be long month."

Michael is just realize he got shows coming up in January.

"I'm gonna take a break from performing of few months to stay with Tati. I can't leave her. She needs me. Listen Dr. Jesse, Everybody  in the media can't  know about Tati's health situation and her PTSD. You got it?"

"I'm promise, Michael."

"Now What about her friends Whitley and Jalicisa? Are they are OK?"

'They are ready to headed home now they are going back to college after the Holidays."

"That's great news."

Now Michael will wonder after the treatment. He is gonna go up there and see Amanda.

"I had to see her now"

"No Michael, You can't go in there."

"Why, what's going about Amanda? Dr. Jessie, What is about I can't see her?"

"Michael, I don't know to you this. Amanda is in a coma."

Michael's eyes are watery and starts to cry. The nurse give him a tissues and wipe his eyes.

"Oh no .How am I'm gonna tell Tati?"

"She was had traumatized during kidnapping, but good news There will be a 33% changes that she will wake up."

"Can I see Amanda please?"

"Yes Michael sure you can."

"Thank you Dr. Jesse."

Michael is finally taking a walk down the hall as wipe his tears for keeping from falling again.

"Oh no Tati is gonna be devastated."

Meanwhile Tatiana  Amanda POV Room 313 third floor

Amanda is asleep now she is recover. She is been a coma about few weeks now.

Michael saw thru the blinds in the window lay there in the hospital bed. Tatiana got out of the bed and got to tell Amanda about her PTSD but she find out that her daughter is in the coma.
Michael walk in and overheard Tati whisper in her ear while she broke down and cry. She wipe her tears.

"Hey Amanda, It's your mommy. I'm here honey. Oh my God please sweetheart wake up for me please-"

She continue to broke down sobbing.

He slowly walk in and catch Tatiana and console her while she continue to cry in his arms.

"Come on Tati, come on. It's going to be OK. Shhh."

Michael also started to cry again along with Tatiana.

His tears started to run down his face and fall on her head and so its Tatiana's tears are falling down like waterfall. They're been crying about one hour while in her room.

"Michael, We-We can't lose our baby." She continue to sobbing.

"No we are not going lose her. It will be 33% percent chance that she will wake up. We gonna have faith."

They are continue to cry together.

Katie POV at room 202 2nd Floor

Katie is lay in the hospital bed after recoverShe is just woke up and don't remember that she was in the hospital.

"Where am I? What am I doing here?"

"You just in the hospital recovery from injured."

Dr. Davis came in to check on her.

"Katie, I'm Dr. Davis How are you feeling?"

'Who is Katie?"

Then is a blackout.

Author note: Lord have mercy. It's can't be good  for  both for Amanda and Katie too. This chapter is soo sad and heartbreaking. Tatiana had PTSD. My heart is breaking for Michael and Tatiana. They can't lose their daughter Amanda. And Katie, Oh no She can't remember. Pray for the little girls. Stay tune we got more chapters.

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