Chapter 4

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It had been 7 years.

Louis had been 18 now. He had yet, not grown quite that much, but yet, no one would remember his 11-year-old self if they looked at him now. He had spent a lot of time without Harry now, he might have started to forget him.

 All those memories, those moments were only a piece of paper now. He always used to read that paper Harry had given him every night to sleep, making it blotchier every day. But now he had stopped doing it. It was lying under a lot of school work under in his closet. He wanted to take it out and read out his 10-year-old self again, but for some reason, he couldn't do it. Yet, in his subconscious mind, Harry always remained.

"Louis, could you get my bag?" Deidamia asked.

"Sure," Louis said, extending his hand to his right to get Deidamia her bag, who was on the left of him. Deidamia Scyros, was Louis' long-time girlfriend. They had been together for more than five or five and half years. They had met at Louis' school, and their friends set them up. Louis had never known about her, until he and her friends pushed them together and Deidamia kissed him in the middle of the street, under the clouded sun, where all of their friends stood, cheering and laughing happily.

Since then had been together, Louis had now started to know her reasonably well. He anyway, needed someone when Harry left. Harry used to fill every empty space in his life, and when he had left all the places were open again, for a brother, a friend, a supporter, and everything, so he, got Deidamia.

He shouldn't be taken wrong at this, he liked her to the moon and back, 

But sometimes he felt he needed a break from her. But now, after a few months, they were going to enter college, and it had to be the same for both of them. He had to leave behind a lot of friends for it, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't hurt as much. 

His best friend, Zayn Malik, was very dear to him, they had met at school and had instantly hit it off. How Zayn looked, in Louis' mind was rugged. He had mesmerizing brown eyes which gave a look of deep comfort, milky skin, carefully beautiful black hair, smooth lips with a voice that would better sound if it sung forever, and a slight, carefully sculpted, lean body from which the eyes would never be drawn off. This was the best way Louis could describe him. And not to mention he is a great and lovable person to talk to and spend time with.

"Ouch!" Deidamia exclaimed.

Louis slowly turned towards her, "What happened?" he asked

He could see Deidamia's hand drawing blood, she seemed to have poked herself with a sharp object in her bag, it was a small injury, but it was still there.

"Do you wanna go home?" Louis asked warily.

Deidamia stopped flinching, "No, it's not a big thing" she reassured.

"I would if you ask me too" Louis insisted, he had a wish to meet Zayn today, and ask if he had gotten expected at the college he was going to.

"Fine then" Deidamia agreed and started to walk towards the car without waiting for Louis. Louis sighed and later followed, after all, he was the one who had to drop her. He let her reach the car first, as he was beginning to pick up his things from the bench. It was another good day.

He finally collected everything in his hands and was putting it in his backpack.


"No!" Louis heard Deidamia exclaim just as he picked the last item, he jerked his head up in reflex.

He saw her standing a few feet away from the car, and a guy, a guy he and he suspected neither Deidamia had ever seen was standing too close to her. His anger shot up.

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