Chapter 39

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"...Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't know seriously, I think you almost know what I'm gonna say, and I really don't wanna talk about it again." Harry said. They both were sitting near a bench, far away from where they had started, "I seriously don't know what he's gonna do."

Louis patted his back, "I understand. I'm sorry."

"I know."

Of course, he knew. Everyone was nothing but sorry for him. Louis sighed, "Why don't we just run away? Let's leave all of this behind and live in a sunflower field?"

Harry chuckled but didn't say anything.


Louis was in his room with Niall the next day. The day when everyone was claiming to be with their girlfriends. He decided to stay in with Niall to keep him some company as he had been slightly put down yesterday by everyone rejecting him. He had tried calling Harry but he said he had work to do. Well, if that is so.

He had been wondering about what he had said to Harry that day. What if they actually just run away? Leave all this shit behind and actually start living in a sunflower field as long as they could. But Harry wasn't a runner. Neither was he. He wished they were.

He decided to stay a bit more with Niall for many reasons, most of them unexplainable. Both of them had not enough college work to do that would drive them to the edge of guilt and speedy work. So in a fair sense, this time would pass as 'free time'.

Niall had insisted that they play Uno again. But Louis knew what they needed to do. They needed to clean the room. It was a mess and disgrace to live in. He knew that Niall wasn't one with the discipline and tidiness, but it was too messy now for Louis to concentrate. Actually, he just wanted to do something and think about what to do next. Or maybe not think at all. Clothes, books, furniture lying here and there, misplaced, everywhere.  This was as much as Louis' room as it was Niall's, and it had to be clean.

Of course, Niall relented, but since Louis had more of a demanding and stubborn nature, they ended up doing it. Louis strictly asked for a clean and calm environment to study and focus. It was time that Niall learned some discipline. 

The first ten minutes they started with sorting out the clothes, tidying them, sorting them, and organizing them. Niall had been grunting and complaining endlessly, but Louis gave him no chance to stop.

"It's gonna end like this anyway, what's the point of sorting it?" Niall said.

"What's the point of breathing if you're gonna die anyway? And it will end like this only if you make it, you need to learn discipline now, James," Louis said wisely.

"The difference is that you'll die if you don't breath, but you won't if you don't clean your room a bit, surely, someone's life at risk is different from tidying a room for you?" Niall rolled his eyes. Louis somewhat agreed but didn't show. All this mess was rather distracting, for Niall or not, but for him, it was.

Louis rolled his eyes in response, "Similarly, there's a difference between a pig and huma-"

Louis' phone rang.

Niall raised his eyebrows appreciatively, welcoming the hindrance in Louis' great motivational speech, which made Louis slightly mad. He sighed and checked his phone.

'harry FUCKING styles'

It read. He had seen his name pop up on his phone after long. He had kind of decided --when he realized that he liked Harry-- that he'll put the 'FUCKING' before the 'harry' instead of putting it between his name like now when both of them got together, but he hadn't bothered to do that. He shook his head.

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