Chapter 38

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He was walking to his room.

It had seemed like Harry was going to sleep all through the night. He had exhausted all his work schedule and even Zayn was back, tired yet booming. It was then that Louis realized that it was time to go.

So, he was walking. Away.

He had thought he'd ask what did Niall say to Harry that made him so upset. One thing about Niall was that he was brutally honest. Which wasn't such a useful trait if you see it par with the current world. A little lie and manipulation are only natural.

He quickly reached his room and knocked with his free hand. His other hand was laden with books and books. He waited after he was done knocking, only to realize it was easier to keep walking with the weight of the books than stand with it.

But fortunately, Niall opened the door soon, "Hey," he said standing aside to let Louis in like always.

"So where have you been, William?" Niall asked as he sat on his seat stolidly.

"You don't say, James, I was going to ask what did you tell to Harry," Louis said instead.

"Oh, I thought we could play Uno," Niall said, drawing out a pack of fresh cards. Where did this even come from? This boy knew all of Louis' tricks. But Louis was not a loser.

"You didn't answer my question, James, what did you tell him? He was so upset," Louis said, but he was sitting down already opposite Niall and taking the cards from him. He might have been a bit harsher, but seeing he'll know all the answers when Harry wakes up, it's fine, Niall isn't any harm after all.

"The truth," Of course it was the truth, it was always the truth. But that wasn't really an answer after all.

"And that consisted of?" Louis pressed.

"Some words out of my mouth," that was the worst response to this question.

"Don't you get it? It's not the time to joke around, I'm worried! What's going on?" he said a little sternly. Harry would tell him, of course, but he still wanted to listen to it come from Niall.

Niall stopped moving, and sighed, "He'll tell you, but for the sake of your patience, Mr. Beckgham had called him."

Louis frowned, trying not to lose his temper again, "What did he say?"

"Well, I don't think I should tell you that, I'm sure there's nothing that he told me and wants to keep me away, but still, it's better that you get the rest of the stuff from him."

"He looked really extremely distressed,"

"I know,"

"Is there something serious?"

"Not really, not yet, the call's details were rather brief, but everything about that man makes Harry really upset, he's just used to being upset by whatever he does,"

Louis looked down at the cards in his hands, partly shuffled, his lip quivered. Niall looked at him, "Please you also don't be sad, this will go again,"

"Till when will he have to keep waiting to get happy again, keep saying 'it will go again'?"

Niall looked down too, at Louis' hands, where the cards had started to loosely fall, "One day, I know for sure, he has got it in him, it will all end for once and all, I can promise you that, and that too soon,"

"You think?"

"I'm positive, I promise you,"

"You do?" Although his words didn't stand much, listening to them gave Louis a little hope. Because, again, the world lives on hopes. Niall kept quiet for some time.

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