Chapter 32

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Louis never knew he was shy.

He was sitting beside Harry on his bed, legs swinging back and forth, his gaze on the ground. All the waiting, all the hope, all the love was accomplished today. He actually didn't know what to say.

"Why are you so quiet?" Harry asked, Louis, didn't know if he was looking at him or not.

"What do I say? You've left me speechless," Louis said.

"That I have," Harry nodded his head, "So when did you realize you fell in love with the best man to exist?" Harry said jokingly.

Louis didn't say anything, just felt his cheeks burn, "Fucking hell, you're so shy all of a sudden," Harry laughed.

Louis looked at him finally, "I'm not shy!" he said defensively.

"You'd say that, but at least you're cute," Harry said, pulling Louis on his shoulder, where he buried his face.

"Touchy-feely much?" Louis asked, squeaky.

"Don't act as you hate it," Harry scoffed.

Louis didn't say much, he was thinking about something. All this happened so suddenly. But he was happy. They left behind the past to build a new future. Few moments of silence passed.

"I should've told you this earlier," Harry said suddenly.

Louis just turned to him.

"If you ever feel like you should leave me or think this all should end, you can do so, I'll more than understand," Harry said vaguely.

Louis frowned. What was with him? That day too, he was going on about each other hurting and something on the other. He acted like he knew all of this was going to end badly. But he still got with him, didn't he?

"You keep saying that, but I still don't know what you're implying, you know right I'm not leaving you anytime?" Louis said.

"I'm grateful for that, but I'm just warning you that all this might not necessarily end up good, and you wouldn't be the bad guy to leave," Harry shrugged.

"Stop it, if you go down, I'm going down with you," Louis said firmly, now completely looking at him.

Harry chuckled drily, "You're hopeless," he shook his head.

"Only for you," he smiled and sat back. He just wanted to make Harry happy and feel loved. Whatever this 'problem' was could be solved later. He couldn't ruin the present by worrying about the future.

After what felt like eternities he had achieved what he desired so dearly. He knew Harry wanted this too and he wanted to make it the best for him.

Harry laughed, "Don't worry, whatever happens, I'll be with you," Louis assured him.

Harry lined his lips and blinked several times. He looked at Louis which plastered a smile across his face, "This feels weird, doesn't it? We were everything but this, and now we're suddenly all touchy-feely and caring. It's literally weird," Harry said, "And the weird thing that happened before we reached here?"

"I know right, but you better get used to it," Louis said.

"Says the one who can't even answer one question without turning into a blushing mess," Harry poked his nose.

Louis shied away again of course, but he managed a, "Shut up!" before Harry started to laugh. Louis shook his head fondly at the sight.

The laughter died soon, and Louis proceeded with his questions, "Do you think we should tell someone about this," he asked, pointing between himself and Harry.

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