Chapter 13

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Zayn was in Louis' room, Niall was away.

Louis was watching Zayn solve a Rubik's cube. Louis knew he had one, but he didn't know to solve it. But he saw him, solve it with considerable ease. Twisting and turning his fingers around in a way Louis would soon lose hang of.

"Wow, how did you do that? I thought you didn't know how to solve cubes?" he said, watching Zayn's hand turn the cube in speed, solving the cube for a third time.

"Harry taught me," Zayn replied, without looking up.

"Did he now?" Louis asked, more to himself than to him. He never knew that Harry could solve Rubik's cubes. But again, what did he even know about him?

"Can you teach me?" Louis asked carefully.

"Would you learn from me?" Zayn asked. Louis sighed, he knew Zayn was a bad teacher, whenever he tried to learn something from him, he ended up being more confused than he started. 

He just watched Zayn solving the cube over and over again. He wasn't very fast, but Louis knew it would be some time before he practices and becomes good at it. Louis never really had any strong yearning to learn how to solve a cube though. Maybe he could ask Harry to teach him too if he ever felt like he should learn.

Niall was away, with the girl he had been talking about some time ago. Louis was excited for him, he had discussed enough with him what to do, although he didn't have much clue about relationships himself. He'd had three till now, two girls and a guy.

He looked at the curtain covered window, through a small gap between the curtain, a beam of light flew and fell upon Zayn's hair, "He's good, isn't he?" Louis asked.


"Harry," Louis said, "He's good at it, solving the cube, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he really is, he could do one in about fifteen seconds," Zayn explained.

"He's really good," Louis repeated, watching the beam if light falling on Zayn's hair.

Zayn looked up, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Louis asked.

"You like him, don't you," Zayn smirked.

"I will actually kick your ass out if you say that again," Louis sat up bolt. Zayn had stopped doing his thing too, looking at Louis with a smug smile on his face that bugged Louis to no extent.

"Denial. The first stage," Zayn said.

Louis stood up with the speed of lightening, "Get up," he said.

"What?" Zayn raised his hands, laughing.

"I said get up!" Louis demanded.

"Damn ok, No need to get so hyped up!" Zayn said, finally getting up, "Anyway I didn't say anything wrong,"

"Are you waiting for me to actually kick you out or would you do it yourself?" Louis asked.

"Woah, I didn't know you were being serious," Zayn a bit lowly.

Louis' figure fell, "Fine, but this is your last chance," he rolled his eyes.

Zayn broke into a wide smile and hopped back into his bed. This boy.


Louis was walking through the campus, his sketchbook in his hands.

He was getting bored in his room. Not that he didn't have any work to do, he had work, but none that wouldn't bore him to death. So obviously, he had no other option but to draw. He'll do his work according to what the mood and time asks.

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