Chapter 6

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New day, new chances.

It had been 7:30 am and their first class starts at 8 am. Louis was well awake and ready to go any minute now. He had been very nervous, this was his first day ever, and he was impatient to know the base on which these years will pass. He was pacing around the room, trying to collect his thoughts, which had been proving to be very difficult.

He had prepared everything a bit too perfectly in the fear of messing something up even slightly. He was tapping his foot, contemplating whether to go on time or reach there a few minutes early, when he heard a loud snore.

Niall was still sleeping. Louis didn't know if this was what he should expect or go and do something. He didn't know him that well, so it could be that Niall would need someone to wake him up or he was just very quick in getting up and being ready, either way, Louis saw it upon him to help his 'roommate'.

He decided to wait for a few minutes to see if Niall decides to get up any time soon.

He kept checking his things and schedule again and again. He wished someone had given him some information about what to do in a college, because he had no clue. Seeing Niall sleeping peacefully beside him did nothing but give him more anxiety.

There was still some time left, so he decided to wake him up. He walked to the head of Niall's bed and tried to do something about the situation.

"Niall?" He whispered uncertainly, bending down. No response.

"Niall? It's 7", he checked his watch, "37, don't you wanna wake up and go?" he said a bit louder. He was going to give up any minute because he was not comfortable with doing this at all. But yet, there was no response.

He prodded the mass lying under the white sheets. No response except a louder snore. He tried calling his name and prodding at the same time. What he got in response was Niall digging himself deeper in his sheets.

Louis felt his day starting off confusing. But he really had no idea why he was even bothering to wake Niall and take his responsibility, when he could simply go and spend his day. He looked at the snoring figure of Niall. He was supposed to be his friend after all. But he had to think of something else now.

He just tried poking and calling a few more times, trying to ignore the other way to wake him up. But there was no response, the sun was rising up, but Niall wasn't. Should he just leave him alone and bear the guilt?

He thought of texting Harry and asking how to wake him up, yesterday when the five were in the park, they had exchanged their numbers. After all, Harry knew him the best out of everyone he knew. So he opened his phone and went to Harry's chat.

But again, he was revaluating his decision, he was not very sure to text Harry, because they behaved differently now and it was more awkward considering what they were before. He should just leave Niall back. But he looked at him again, it looked like he was never going to wake up.

L: How to wake Niall

A matter of few seconds. He got startled and read.

H: Slap him

What? Obviously not? There must be some other way. It was really strange and harsh, and Louis wasn't like that.

L: No, isn't there any other way?

H: No

H: Bye

Louis re-read the text. Harry slightly weirded him out. He wasn't really keen on texting him, leave alone receive a response like this. He tried to ignore how strange it felt to text him and concentrated on the mass lying under the sheets, which he had labelled as 'his responsibility'.

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