Chapter 26

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He took a deep breath.

And almost ran into a wall.

He heard it, and he could guess what was happening. He knew Tyler was immoral, but he didn't know what he had done that Harry couldn't even save himself.

He ran to the narrow way, he didn't know what he would do, but he knew he wouldn't just wait around and think about it. He ran and ran the short distance, as though it was a mile.

His leg collided with a metal rod as he made his entrance to the scene.

Louis could only see what he saw for a second before he screamed, "Harry!"

Tyler had pressed him against a wall, Harry's hand crossed and pressed behind him so he couldn't use them. Harry looked submissive and weak, but he kept moving and struggling under him. Tyler was just trying to hold him still, as he pressed him against his chest, and Harry grew smaller and smaller in size.

Tyler instantly released him when Louis screamed. Harry almost fell to the ground when he lost support. What was it with him? Why has he gone so weak?

"Get away from him, you fucking swine!" Louis roared at him, as Harry had been scuttling away, weak on his legs.

"Get the fuck out of here," Tyler whispered menacingly and roughly pulled back Harry by the collar as he tried to escape. Harry swayed helplessly in his hold.

Louis was breathless with anger, how could someone be so filthy? He used to think that Tyler was some sort of loser who would go around forcibly with people he developed a liking for. But, no, he was worse. Worse than whatever Louis had ever imagined him.

He charged towards him. He knew Tyler was stronger and he would lose against him. He knew that Tyler could probably knock him off in one blow. But that didn't matter. He knew if the world caught fire he would die to keep him alive.

Tyler roughly dropped Harry, whose knees touched the ground before he lifted himself.

"You better forget about all this before I make you forget about it," Tyler seethed angrily. And dashed towards Louis who stood his ground.

"You fucking leave him alo-" Louis said, as Tyler pushed him away.

Louis was thrown off roughly. Which he took by surprise. When Harry had fought against him, he thought that Tyler wasn't that strong, maybe it was just the Harry was quite strong. He could see where this was heading.

He would fight until Harry would gain consciousness. He would fight until he would live. He would fight until the world fell apart. He would surrender his last breath to Harry.

That may be a bit too dramatic but he deep down knew he might do it, as he gave a weak push to Tyler's chest, who barely moved from where he stood.

"The way you are headed, you might be dead by the fight is over," Tyler grimaced as he grabbed Louis by the collar.

"Louis!" Harry shouted from distance. He extended his hand. He could see the pain in Harry's face about not being able to help him.

"Harry, dear, shut up for a moment," Tyler said, his face close to Louis'.

Louis tried to push him away, but with little success. He had never realized how physically weak he was, and now this situation had rendered him mentally weak too. He started struggling, pushing his arms and legs against him, and Tyler started to wade away.

But he still had some ideas, he still had to try. He slowly lifted his knee to hit him right in the crotch and get this over all for once, but-

"Louis, leave," it was Harry.

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