Chapter 33

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He galloped towards his destination with high hopes in his mind.

Louis reached the turn where he would find Zayn's and Harry's room. He turned around, his hand already up to knock. But he stopped mid-track.

The door of Harry's and Zayn's room opened and out came Harry. He was wearing a long black coat and inside was a turtleneck of the same shade of black. He had been wearing brown leather boots which were of massive size. If Louis didn't find it attractive he'd been judging him for wearing all that in college in the middle of nowhere.

He walked noisily towards Louis, while he stood dumbfounded. "Hey," Harry breathed as he reached and hugged him silently.

"Hi," Louis said back, "You look..." he scanned Harry better up and down as he had come closer, "Hot?" he said uncertainly. Harry scoffed and shook his head.

"As I heard, you have work to do, so let's hurry up?" Harry asked, extending his hand.

Louis played along, he handed his hand to Harry's in the most royal-ish way possible, "Yes, my love,"  he said in a sing-song voice.

Harry chortled lightly and grasped Louis' hand. They both gave each other a smile before they galloped happily towards the ice cream parlor, hand-in-hand.

It was almost night, as both Harry and Louis walked about the campus. Louis' hands and feet were constantly tingling with pleasure and he couldn't help smiling. Although the sun was down, everything for him was bright. He gripped his hand tighter.

He didn't realize when they reached the parlor, maybe it was when Harry gently separated their entwined hands to rest on the counter and make orders. Louis looked up to him.

"What flavor?" Harry asked.

"The usual," Louis said, "And what about you?" he asked next.

"The usual," Harry repeated. Mango.

"I thought you were supposed to say something like 'whatever you say'," Louis raised his eyebrows.

"No, cheers to whatever shit you eat," he said. 

Harry called over the waitress to give her their orders. She walked back and came back a few minutes later, which consisted of Louis standing silently and tapping his feet on the ground. He took his mint chocolate chip and Harry proceeded with his mango one.

They both found a lonely, two-seater table and adjusted themselves. Louis saw Harry struggle a bit with his clothing but he sat opposite to him nonetheless. It was the first time they had gone out to eat alone.

"Can I taste your ice cream?" Harry smirked.

Louis rolled his eyes, he should have seen something like this coming up. But he really didn't want to deny Harry his request even though he was trying to mess with him, "Get a spoon?" Louis said.

Harry got up, happy, and rushed to the counter. He returned with a small wooden spoon in his hand, smiling.

Harry extended his hand to scoop out some, when Louis stopped him, "Wait, let me do it."

"Why are you so pressed, it's just some shit flavored ice cream," Harry grimaced.

What he meant wasn't really understood by Harry perhaps. Louis was mid-way scooping a pretty generous amount from his ice cream to let his dear Harry have it, but he had to stop, "Did you just call it shit? You aren't getting anything," Louis said and ate the ice cream himself.

Louis had already started scooping another bite - all though he was going to lick it- because he knew Harry would ask for another, "Wait, shit, I didn't mean that, let me have some," Harry waved his hands. He added a long, innocent, "Please?"

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