Chapter 43

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Get up, Harry.

Harry was on the floor, knees on the ground. Crying and crying like a little child who lost his mother in a huge, colorful fair. Loudly. It was embarrassing, it really was. His sobs echoed painfully in Louis' ears. He wanted him to stop. He wanted all of this to stop. He just wanted to go home.

Louis wasn't crying, he couldn't. He shouldn't until he calmed Harry down.

Louis fell to his knees too, "Harry, get up!" he shook Harry violently. But he couldn't get any reaction out of Harry. "Harry, Harry! HARRY!" he screamed, but Harry could barely hear him.

No one was around them, who would be, it was the head's office. Louis would himself run away if he saw someone crying near the head's office. 

Louis grabbed his jaw with both of his hands and made Harry look up to him. His face was so, so soft. 

"Harry, Harry, get up now," he said. Harry looked terrible. 

"Louis," Harry finally whispered, incoherently. Louis mentally congratulated himself to make Harry finally say something.

"I'm sorry," Harry cried, possibly harder his words were barely comprehensible. He was too weak. Of course, he was weak. Louis knew him, he knew how tired Harry could get when he is sad.

Louis hugged as tightly as possible considering both of them were on their knees, "This is not the end," Louis whispered. Louis couldn't believe half of what he himself was saying. Lies, the world is built on lies.

"Louis, please, I want to go to my room," Harry whimpered. He was close to falling in Louis' arms. Although they were hugging, there was a difference between the two.

"Yes, yes," Louis nodded frantically, "Come on, get up," He said, trying to hoist Harry off the ground. Harry got up, on his own mostly, but maybe he liked the comfort of having Louis pick him up anyway. Even while crying, Harry looked beautiful. He wished he didn't.

As Louis got him on his feet, Harry harshly wiped his tears off, but it was barely any use because his tears won't stop flowing. It was so frustrating. In the end, Harry had managed to suppress all his cries into a mere whimper. Louis watched with pain how Harry tried so hard to suppress himself, and how difficult it was for him.

There would be plenty of time to cry later, but not now.

Louis held his hand and then they walked quietly towards the room. Louis kept scrunching his face in an attempt to not cry himself with every whimper Harry cried. He wanted to run away, but there was no place he could stay.

He wanted silence, but unfortunately for him, the silence he received was pierced with the whimpers of the one beside him. He no longer wished for silence. He just wanted it to stop.

They reached the room, Harry had mostly stopped crying, but Louis knew, he knew, this wasn't any better.

Harry slowly handed the keys to his room to Louis. Louis grabbed them and opened the door to an empty room. It was a bit dark, and no one was there. Of course, no one was there, Harry had the keys.

Louis pulled Harry in. Harry followed him like an obedient child. Louis just dragged and dragged his overworked heart to the endpoint to not give up. The one who shows emotions destroys everything around, the one who doesn't, destroys itself. 

Louis sat Harry on the bed. Harry's face was still down and immeasurably sad. And painful to look at. Louis sighed. Louis composed himself. He could do this.

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