Chapter 19

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Louis held his breath and knocked at the door, he knew Niall was awake.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the door was open, and ahead stood Niall. He had the look of someone who had been beaten into waking up.

"Good morning," Niall said in a slurred voice.

"Hi?" Louis said, still standing outside the door.

"Hmmm," Niall said and stood aside to let Louis in.

Louis walked in, but he was highly confused. The last time he had come, Niall was on his top form of anger, ready to strike. But today, he looked like himself, sleepy on being woken up so early. Did something happen overnight? Did Zayn strike him off? 

"You seem," Louis wondered, "Normal," he finished.

"What do you mean? Do expect me to carry a koala bear on my head at all times?" Niall joked, but still in a sleepy voice.

"No, I mean that," Louis hesitated, "Whenever I come back from Harry's you're always on your fierce form, but you seem to be knocked out cold today," Louis said.

Niall seemed to be contemplating for a while, Louis' dread and confusion rising, was this going to be some new form torment? 

"Well, I have decided I won't say anything to neither you nor Harry about whatever you two do, from now on, as you've asked about it," Niall said finally, in a clearer voice.

Louis looked taken back, "You would?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am not your mom, and anyway, whatever I do seems to have no effect anyway so what's the point? I thought about what you said last time," Niall said, looking clearly at Louis.

No effect? What was he trying to do and why? "What do you mean?" Louis asked, perplexed.

"That means you and him are free to do whatever you like, I won't say anything, kill anyone you want, except me," Niall made it clear.

"That's what it should have been from the start," Louis mumbled.

"I don't know, but I don't regret whatever I've done until now," Niall said clearly.

"I don't know what you're up to, but thanks for letting it go," Louis shrugged.

"Great," Niall said and hugged Louis. Louis took some time to replicate the action because he was still uncertain about him. Niall was a nice guy and had nice intentions, but he had the wrong way to execute them. He decided to forgive him. He may need to learn the rules of life the hard way. As far as he knew Niall, he was actually nice and lovely. 

Niall breathed and pulled away.

"Would you like to go and eat somewhere?" Niall asked.

Louis stared at him for a while, still thinking, "It's 6 am?" Louis said incredulously.

"I have connections," Niall said proudly.

"No, I still haven't forgiven you," Louis said.

"Fine, I'm going to Harry to apologize, you've time till then to change your mind," Niall said.

"Please don't say something stupid to Harry," Louis begged Niall.

 "I would say stupid stuff if I were stupid, which I'm not," Niall said and went out of the door, now more awake than Louis had found him. Louis doubted what Niall said before leaving. 

He went back and sat on his bed.

How difficult would it be to convince Harry? Very difficult as he saw of it. Would he ever forgive him? But he and Harry were good friends for a long time and Harry knew why and what Niall had been doing, so there might be a twist. 

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