Chapter 9

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Sometimes you don't get the things you wanted your way.

Some days had passed with Harry successfully avoiding Louis, and Louis didn't bother much either. But that didn't mean that he had stopped thinking about him. Most interactions he had with Harry were always straightforward and only between him and occasionally Niall. So he had certainly failed the task of studying Harry as Niall had recommended. He had given up studying him as impossible. He wouldn't bother him, it's not like he doesn't like him and not engaging with him won't kill him. And there's nothing that would prompt him to engage with him, so everything's fine.

Deidamia had been intentionally turning her head whenever she came across Louis. Not that Louis minded, but it was still annoying.

He, Niall, Zayn, and Liam had been meeting and talking a lot lately. Louis was elated with his new company. Harry seldom visited them collectively. But they didn't do as much as meet their eyes. It was really strange for Louis, being with someone but avoiding them deliberately.

He and Niall had been walking around the campus today. Glinting under the sun, many people passed them as they walked noisily on the brick floor. Voices of strangers filling the air. A palpable mien of the space was always welcome.

"Are you going out with someone?" Louis asked Niall, continuing the conversation.

"No, are you?" Niall asked in return.

"No," Louis said, with an accusatory glance at him, "Do you have your eye on someone?" he asked.

"Uhhh..." Niall hesitated.

Louis smirked. "Come on, come on, don't be shy," he insisted.

"There is one, in one of my classes, seems nice, but I don't really know if she's single," Niall mumbled.

"So when are you playing your move?" he asked.

"My move?" Niall said cluelessly.

"Yeah, your move? Are you going to sit around watching her everyday and doing nothing?" he asked incredulously.

"I mean, I'll do something," Niall said and wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulders. It was as though he was keen on changing the subject, "Not anything on your advice though," he muttered at last.

Louis sighed. He wasn't going to say anything on that.

They were walking around the campus Niall stampeding his presence, his hand around Louis' shoulder, and Louis walked with his head hung low under Niall's hand. The days had been good and promising lately, just the factor that could save a day someone rued.

Louis and Niall continued to talk. Occasionally greeting familiar people on the way. Louis enjoyed days like these, with friends and the sun, until it wasn't ruined with a thought of his own or actions. Today was one of the days, maybe.

"Is that Harry?" Louis asked, looking up.

It was one of those occasions when Louis and Harry, unfortunately, crossed paths.

He saw there was another guy with him and? And Harry looked like he wanted to get rid of him. It looked like the guy was forcing himself on Harry and Harry was saying something and cringing, but as they were a bit far, Louis couldn't hear it. The atmosphere around them was dense, no one around them stopped to bat an eye.

He didn't understand that why, why whenever his existence made it's way, something unusual happened. He had decided on a normal walk, but damn that. Louis tilted his head sideways in concentration, not understanding why he wasn't doing anything but stare. Niall didn't seem to do anything, as Louis felt the weight of his hand on his shoulders. Maybe Niall knew that there was nothing to be done, or Louis' doesn't know.

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