Chapter 37

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Life was good. Or as much as he would dare to say.

He wished that Harry didn't regret telling anything to him. He couldn't let him feel that way. He couldn't do much, but all he can do is try and make him happy, as long as he is capable. As long as he can, he will, whatever is in his capabilities or not, he will, to make him happy. Because that's all he can do, he can't solve problems, but he can make them seem a little less significant at least.

Louis was in Zayn's room, doing his work. Harry wasn't there, but he was sure that Zayn had told him that Louis was in his room because how could he not. Zayn had been trying to distract him a bit, but he should've known better, Louis' concentration is strong.

He yawn as he heard the calling bell ring. He knew it was Harry. That made him happier. He almost shot out of his seat, before Zayn called out his own decision, displaying greater speed than him.

"I'll look," Zayn said. Of course, he'll look.

Louis tapped his foot in anticipation as Zayn threw the door open, exclaiming, "Harry!" Louis heard Harry's footsteps approach him after he wished Zayn a 'hello'.

"Hey, L," Harry said, stepping beside him and kissing his temple, "I brought coffee for you," he said, lightly putting down a cup beside Louis' workspace, "Zayn said you were working," he said sweetly.

"Thanks, darling," Louis said, pecking his lips lightly as Harry sat right down beside him. He had got considerably good doing things like these for which Harry wouldn't call him 'shy'. 

Harry just smiled at him.

After that day, Louis had been trying to make everything seem normal, he knew Harry needed it. He knows --Harry has also expressed as such-- that barely anyone in his life would be the same if he told them everything that he told Louis. And Louis wanted to show that no matter, whatever happens,  it will never change how he looks at Harry. He would still be the same person who had saved him in an alleyway when he was eight. 

He wanted to show that he would be there no matter what and he would still love him the same. He just wanted him to feel good and normal and happy as he deserves to. Louis would be extremely glad to provide those.

"You look really cute sitting over there like that," Louis said to Harry.

"Cute? I thought I was the hot one?" Harry said.

"You're everything beautiful," Louis chanted.

"Ew," Zayn said.

Louis rolled his eyes and turned to him, "How about you go get Hera and stop disgracing a piece of art?" he said.

"'Piece of art'" Zayn scoffed as though it was a joke.

"Don't say anything to him," Louis said, wrapping his hands around Harry. Harry giggled and kissed his cheek.

Louis loved it when he did that. Harry liked kissing Louis' cheek or forehead. Although he loved every second of it, he would bet this would be disgusting to an outside perspective, like Zayn.

"I'm actually considering going to Hera," Zayn whispered.

"Then g-" Louis began, but someone's phone started ringing. Everyone stopped.

"Sorry," Harry breathed, extracting his phone from his pocket. Zayn and Louis watched him with bored expressions.

Louis could tell that his pupils contracted as he said, "I'll be back in a moment,". And before anyone could say anything else Harry had rushed out of the room.

What was so secretive in the call that Harry had to rush out of the room like that? He had never done that? He'll ask him, maybe he'll answer. Or maybe, deep down he already knew the answer.

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