Chapter 12

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Like every time, Louis was outside his room.

Walking around as usual, with his hands in his pocket and sight always high. But today, he had come alone. He did come alone every time, but he still wished that someone found him. But today, he wished to walk alone, without any company.

He had been invited to the first-ever party of his college experience. He was excited but still quite nervous. He didn't know what to expect or what would others expect. What should he wear, what should he bring, what should he do. As cheesy it may sound, there was no other option than being yourself, because he had absolutely no clue what others would want, and he wanted to present himself as what he really is. 

He was invited by one of Liam's close friends and if he made the way into the party, naturally, the rest of the boys did it too. And that had to be a relief because he didn't think he would be able to spend hours at a time with people he barely even knew.

As he was outside, he knew Harry was in his room with Niall. Their conversations were never too interesting for him. Harry was too posh and Niall was too cheesy, and as said before, Louis liked everything simple.

It had been quite some time since he had been out now, and it had been reducing his time of doing something productive that day with every passing minute. Not that he was left to do with anything, he was up to date, but he didn't know why, but he always had this guilt when he didn't do something productive every second. He knew he should take breaks, but he couldn't do it without feeling an rising sense delinquency. It wasn't really good.

But it had been an hour or above since he had been moving around the campus, aimless and he decided to go back now. He might catch something interesting Harry and Niall would be talking about that he would be able to indulge himself in.

Being decided upon, he started to walk back to his room, between people that walked the same ground as he did. He was about to reach his room, he expected it to be unlocked like every time, but that still didn't mean that he didn't knock before entering.

Upon reaching he found out that the room was indeed locked this time as he saw from a distance. What was Niall up to? Did he get a girlfriend? In that case, he should be walking back away. But he was in no mood to resume one of his aimless walks again. So he walked to the door, what must come, will be faced.

But just he was about to knock, he heard a voice, which was no other than Niall, of course. But when he paid attention to the tone, he noticed Niall sounded frustrated and on the verge of slapping someone. It was surely Harry who was standing against him?

As much as he hated it, he didn't knock on the door, but instead, he pressed his ear softly to the door, listening hard. He knew Niall had closed the door so that no one would hear that, and what he did was pretty much unwanted but still, he found himself sticking his ear to the door, eavesdropping when he heard Harry's voice.

He really hated being obliged to do something he could avoid and had control over, and he really despised himself for it at the moment. But still, he did no better.

"You have no other option!" he heard Niall say maniacally.

"The more I try the more difficult it gets!" He heard Harry cry. His voice sounded extremely pained under Niall's, Louis felt himself frowning slightly at this. It felt, although Louis hadn't been the part of this for long, that this conversation wasn't supposed to head this way, it was supposed to be casual. Judging both of their tone and hesitation.

"What else can you do?" Niall asked.

"You don't understand!" Harry said, his voice getting higher.

"I know, I don't but I'm trying to help!" Niall said a little lower. Harry grunted in defeat.

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