Chapter 5

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The transition to the new step of his life was phenomenal.

Louis had arrived at his college campus, and it was intimidatingly huge. The sun shone on the big trees surrounding the vast, white buildings of the campus, everything about this place was excruciatingly bright, or maybe it was just the sun.

 A huge, prestigious building stood in the middle of a deserted ground, and far behind it was a mass of less prestigious buildings, most probably student living quarters. A few people walked here and there. Louis now realized that this had to be the place he had to spend few years of his life in. It was a fairly comfortable place, what was now only needed was to make it feel like home.

His heart was beating at a more-than-average rate, and he wished that it would stop. He looked around, the people who weren't being obnoxious looked nervous, like him. This made him feel a bit better. Some looked even more nervous than him, as Louis could see with every step they took forward.

The college building was huge, and Louis had learnt that with hugeness, came a but of attitude and reputation. Which did nothing to sooth Louis nerves. He hoped that everything was a chiller than it looked like. It's not like that he's not a good student. He is a goof student, excellent eve, as he liked to believe, but a bit of casualness usually made him feel better, and this place, was not doing that.

He stumbled on his steps and started walking again. What is he just ran away? No, he wasn't even that nervous. Would everyone like him? Would these huge, clean looking buildings, these reputable teachers and the huge clear sky love him like everyone he has ever met done? He needed to find out.

So he walked in. 

He walked on the pale ochre floors. Actually, the whole premise seemed to be painted of these color. He went straight to the living quarters to go examine his room and most probably his roommate. He wasn't that early to the place, and he expected that the person he would be sharing the room with would be here. So he crossed the college building, being greeted by a louder and more crowded area. Mass of student bodies were talking loudly and doing some very obnoxious things. Louis tried to make his way and reach the building without much trouble from his fellow students.

Room 303, building 15. He read his card to his room. He spotted the building and rushed there without looking around much, he bumped into a few people, but he was too nervous to comprehend their comebacks.

He started to head for the room as he had reached the building, he had been to ask for the keys but he learned they were already taken, this meant only one thing, his roommate was here.

He was nervously eager to meet his roommate, the one he will spend his college life with, and probably be the closest to throughout the path. He wished the person was simple and not too much of anything. He hoped they would like him, and not be one of those 'rude bad boys'. Louis always valued kindness and eagerness.

The student quarters weren't as nice looking as the college buildings, maybe it was because there wasn't enough light or the colors that painted the walls were dark. But the dark wasn't even rich, it was plain and slightly uninviting, not going around with the sky or anything around. He should probably stop thinking about the color schemes of this place.

All his thoughts had finally transported him to the face of his room, 303. He didn't know what to do next. Should he just enter? Scream? Knock? 

He settled on knocking. He timidly raised his knuckles and knocked, just one knock, one tap, and waited. No response. Time leaked out of his hands.

Was this the wrong room? Wrong person? Wrong time? Wrong college? This was highly embarrassing, thoughts filled his head. He might have to turn around and search again, and again he was certain that he would come back here.

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