Chapter 24

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It is unbelievable for him to feel to something like this, hopeless; that is also over some person. Well, he is not just some person. And that's not a comfort.

Harry has been acting mostly the same, if not better. And why should he act any different? It's him that is in this vulnerable dilemma. Zayn is just worse of course and Niall, is slightly distant, his talks are airier than necessary at many times. Surprisingly, Louis doesn't care about any of this.

He'd been walking around the campus, which is not unusual at all. The day is brighter today than most days. But that doesn't change much about how everything is going on with Louis. There had been many students, alone, as two or in groups, that is about every day. Walking on the burning, pale, cream ground. It reminded him Harry's skin.

On an edge, he saw Nritya. But she wasn't sitting alone. Obviously, she wasn't alone, why would she be? Another girl was sitting opposite her. If Louis had ever seen her, he wouldn't know. They were talking animatedly, unaware of everything around them. Louis really wanted to go and meet Nritya now but he didn't know if it would be appropriate as her friend was around.

He decided it would be fine, her friends might be as nice as her, if not more. 

So he walked briskly to the edge of where they sat.

"Hey," Louis raised his hand in greeting.

Nritya stopped talking abruptly, "Hey," she said. 

Louis sat beside her. She didn't look bothered or irritated by him taking a place beside her. So Louis took it as a sign that he is not unwelcome here. Neither did her friend look bothered by him. Still, he had a feeling that he shouldn't have come. That would be taken care of later. Her friend looked confused at his sudden appearance nonetheless. 

Nritya got to introductions, "Uh, Amy, this is Louis, and Louis, this is Amy," she said pointing at each other at proper times, both of them waved or threw a sign of recognition at their name being called. Amy was pretty Louis thought, she had two streaks of red-dyed hair at the front and the rest at back was black.

"So what have you been up to," Louis asked, as the nosy self he is.

"Nothing, she is waiting for her," Nritya started but looked at Amy uncertainly, as though asking for permission. Amy later nodded, as though imparting permission, and Nritya continued, "Waiting for her girlfriend," she completed, still looking at Amy. 

"So she is..." Louis said.

"A lesbian," Amy said before Louis could choose from the wide spectrum of possibilities. Her voice was slightly deep and tired.

"Oh," he said, he was in awe at how openly she could come out to him. Maybe because he looked kind or whatever, or maybe Nritya would have talked to her about him. His first impression of her was already someone unique and charismatic. He wished he could be so open as her, but he didn't know, what was it for him, he was scared of everyone's opinion or he was just generally scared.

But he should tell them, should he? Or should he not? No. He didn't trust himself, leave alone other people.

"Good to know," he continued, when he did not know what else to say. He had a lot of things to say but he couldn't get himself to say them obviously. 

His lack of reaction seemed to make Amy uncomfortable. She might have felt that he wasn't too accepting of her or wasn't liking her based on it. Louis really didn't know what to do in this case, except for living in guilt.

Nritya saw it and was keen on changing the subject, "So what have you been up to?" she asked.

Louis put his hands in his pockets and took out a small bag, Nritya looked at it with interest, "I was looking for a place to hide it," he said, his eyes focused on it. This was the motive of him roaming around the campus today. Not that he ever needed one but today it had a mission.

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