Chapter 41

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New day, another chance.

"You lost the fourth game in a row," Louis scoffed.

"I won the first game at least," Niall said, stacking up all the cards quickly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Louis shrugged his shoulders and lifted his eyebrows. Niall rolled his eyes. The only reason he played Uno with Niall was that he always won against him. They had just cleaned their room so it was a lot more calming and nice to play.

"Did you win the bet with that random guy in your class or lose like every bet I've known you've taken part in?" Louis said matter-of-factly, sitting back.

"Shut it, I don't lose every bet, I just tell you the one I lost for comic relief," Niall scoffed. Louis didn't really know why he was engaging himself in this stupid conversation.

"Well you didn't answer the question," Louis pressed on.

"Well, I won," Niall said with a smug smile. Niall and a guy from his class had a bet on which team would win the football game. Louis wasn't much interested in football so he didn't really have much to say about who would win the bet. But apparently, Niall won.

"Prove it," Louis said.

Niall sighed and got up to his bag. He scuffled there for a bit as Louis looked at him with anticipating eyes. He returned with a bunch of papers in his hands.

"Here," he said stuffing the big pile in Louis' hands, who quickly got to examine it. He quickly and carelessly started to flip through the pages, barely seeing anything.

The bet was that the loser would have to do the winner's assignment. So Louis had been checking the sheets to identify Niall's handwriting, which he knew well enough to even forge it by now.

He didn't really need to do that, he knew Niall wouldn't complete all those assignments so quickly, so that was the thing. But even after inspection, it looked like Niall actually had won.

Louis looked up at him with innocent eyes. He knew what this meant.

"Don't look at me like that, you know what this means and you know what you have to do," Niall smirked at Louis' face. Louis sighed, he knew this won't work. He wasn't really trying to make it.

Louis and Niall had a bet on a bet. If Niall loses the bet with the guy, Louis wins this bet between him and Niall, if Niall wins the bet, Louis loses. Niall had won, so Louis had lost.

"You know I wouldn't be as efficient as you on it," Louis said in fake sorrow.

"Only if you deliberately try to ruin it," Niall winked.

The bet was whoever lost the bet had to spoon-feed the winner for the whole day. It was stupid really.

Louis didn't mind losing the bet, he wouldn't have bet if he cared. 

Louis began without remorse, "Fine, not my fault if you choke and die-" the doorbell rung and cut him mid-sentence.

Niall sighed, Louis turned his gaze at the door.

"Can people stop coming to our flat, it's annoying," Niall muttered as Louis got up to answer the door, not missing to frown at Niall before reaching out.

Louis slowly opened the door, "Hey!" he said excitedly and stepped aside.

"Hey!" Harry patted Louis' cheek as he entered. Louis' face lightened up. He didn't say anything to Niall perhaps, he hadn't seen him yet.

"How are you?" he asked Harry.

He just smiled and shrugged.

Louis kissed Harry as he walked in.

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