Chapter 18

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He knocked the door.

It opened in a mere few seconds, with a bang so loud that Louis had to close his eyes as he heard Zayn nearly scream, "Come in!" to his face.

Louis slowly opened his eyes and looked at Zayn's perplexed face, eagerly waiting for him to step inside the house as if that would make something magical happen. Louis sighed and entered.

He just walked awkwardly ahead, Zayn walking by his side. He was feeling so embarrassed for no reason at all, when he saw Harry laying his head on the headboard of his bed, him and Zayn obnoxiously standing in front of his bed.

Harry sat up on his bed, but didn't say anything, "You called me?" Louis whispered. Unsure. Exasperated.

"I did not," Harry said.

Louis quirked his eyebrow. Hadn't he texted him to come over urgently and now he was saying that he hadn't even called him? He looked around to look at Zayn, who was standing with his face down, hands clasped in front of him, "But you texted me to come over," Louis said, even more embarrassed.

"I did not," Harry repeated, now turning around in his bed to completely face Louis, "Zayn did,"

Louis frowned big and turned his whole body towards Zayn, he was looking guiltier than ever, "What for?" he inquired.

"I thought you both were so fucking pissy from some time since you," he looked up at Louis, "Started ignoring us for no reason,"

"I wasn't ignoring you!" Louis defended himself

"Whatever you are doing, is driving me nuts, both of you, you both are on the edge of your seats all the time and I am fucking pissed," Zayn said, "So I want both of you to solve this weird dispute now and for all and let me live in peace because if I have to take this tension between you two for one more day then I would burst."

"Why did you have to word it like that," Louis mumbled awkwardly, he was very conscious of Harry watching them both like a hawk. Louis cleared his throat, "What you are doing is stupid, Zayn, do you think that's how it works, that's how everything's miraculously is gonna be solved?"


Wow. "How come?" Louis asked.

"You both haven't talked in days, and there's definitely some communication that's left to be done, you know it, I know you know. I don't know why are you doing this," Harry yawned beside them, "But I know you are stupid and you won't talk when you should,"

"You're not my mother!" Louis said.

"Please, I am a human, if this doesn't weird awkward thing doesn't stop I'll either go crazy or run away far to some other place, so please do me this favor and talk once for hell's sake,"

"You're acting like this is your concern, when it isn't"

"It is whe-"

"Would you two stop fighting? It's getting really boring now," Harry interjected.

Both of them turned towards him, Louis felt his face go warm as he looked at Harry's expression. Zayn coughed, "Yes you're right, it's not me that Louis needs to fight now," he said determinedly. 

Harry and Louis looked at him, "I'll be back in a few, I need to get a girlfriend," with that, Zayn started to leave in top speed, and before anyone could say anything --just Louis, Harry was sat, observing his nails-- Zayn was out with the keys.

The door banged close and Harry slowly stood up, Louis abandoned his last attempts to stop Zayn and turned towards Harry slowly, deliberately, his eyes closed. Was this really going to happen? Why did everything happen so suddenly?

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