Chapter 31

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Louis was running. Away.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

He stopped short and bent down, his hands on his knees. The run made him feel more alive, more that he could feel something.

Panting, he took out his phone.

Louis: hey
Louis: HEY

His chest kept falling and rising, waiting for a response. He hated his autocorrect.

Zayn: tf?

Louis: meet yellow bench fast


Louis: MEET

Zayn: k b there in 5

He shut his phone quickly and went to the yellow bench to check whether Harry was still there or not. He wasn't.

He went and sat down there, breathing heavily, waiting for Zayn. He was trying to think what he'd say to Zayn but with little success.

His head was spinning from the question. Everything was happening so fast and uncoordinatedly that he couldn't have his brain comprehend it. Nothing that happened made any sense at all, nothing was related to anything, everything he did, everything that happened had nothing to with anything that happened before. 

And why did Harry say those things? Could he stop confusing Louis for once and say everything straight away? If he felt the same towards Louis then why had he been not doing anything about it. It was Louis who had no clue about how to deal with people and what to say when, but he thought Harry could do that? What did he do?

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

He kept looking around, thinking that he might suddenly find Harry, but he didn't. He wondered where he had gone. Now that as he thought of it, it might be something to be worried about. But before he could worry-

Zayn had arrived.

He dashed about and quickly sat beside Louis on the bench.

"What is it? The last time you'd call me like this, it had been a disaster," he said, out of breath.

"It's worse this time," Louis mumbled.

"You mean what?" Zayn put his hand on Louis' shoulder.

"He- he asked me out," Louis answered, stressfully rubbing his face in his hands.

"What," Zayn whispered, although he had heard everything all well.

Louis didn't repeat himself, "You don't seem happy?" Zayn pointed out.

"He completely wrecked my mind and I don't know what to feel," Louis said.

"What did he say?" Zayn asked.

"He- he said we would never stop hurting each other, a- and would I forgive him every time he did," Louis breathed, "He said he'd explain everything to me if I answered him,"

"That's really Shakespeare of him," Zayn said, but that was inappropriate at the moment, "So where is he? What did you say?" he asked hastily.

"I dunno wh-where he is, and I said I'd think about it," Louis said. He wished he was functioning better, but all that worked for him at the moment was his lips and that also without a brain-to-mouth filter.

Zayn sighed deeply, as to calm himself down, before speaking "And why did you do that?" he asked.

"I panicked, okay?" Louis huffed, "And I- I didn't get half of what he was sayin'. He was acting like if-if we get together both of us will die at the end," he said.

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