Chapter 21

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Alec smiled fondly at Magnus as he excitedly danced around the shop. He was choosing a new suit for what he said was going to be a suprise for him. Alec was a little worried as Magnus often liked to go big with suprises, he hoped it wasn't going to be a suprise flash mob. Alec did not enjoy being the centre of attention. Magnus came back with some suits that thankfully weren't too flashy.

"Here try these on".

Alec took the suits and tried each one for Magnus. Alec showed the suits to Magnus to see which one he felt was best. They went through all the suits until Magnus was happy with one. Alec was grateful he had found one, unlike Magnus he did not enjoy shopping all afternoon. "Great I shall go and pay for this one". Alec said after he had changed back to what he was wearing before.

"Wait Alexander, this is my suprise so I want to pay for the suit".

"How much is this suit?" Alec asked anxiously. When Magnus wanted to pay for things like this, Alec could tell he was trying to hide how expensive it was. Alec felt guilty when Magnus paid for things, he didn't want Magnus to think he was only with him for the alpha's wealth.

"Don't you worry about that, leave it to me", Magnus said and sped off to pay before Alec could protest further.

Alec wanted to argue further but he didn't want to get into a fight, he wanted to enjoy this rare free time he had with Magnus. Lydia had been made head of the institute and she was much more flexible with leave for omegas and had happily let Alec go on a much needed holiday with Magnus after everything they had done for the insitute.

Lydia had wanted to make Alec the head of the insitute but the Clave still wouldn't allow an omega to be the head. Though Lydia secretly allowed Alec to help her a lot. Alec was glad Lydia didn't resent him for what happened at their wedding, instead like Alec she was relieved she wasn't in a loveless marriage. They respected and cared for each other but it wouldn't have been the same as what he had with Magnus, as he was gay Alec could never love her romantically. Lydia said she had met a young man that she was starting to fall for and Alec was glad for her.

When Magnus had bought the suit he took Alec on a walk for more sight seeing before they went back to the vacation house Magnus had in Venice. Alec wondered how many vacation houses Magnus had. Alec stared lovestruck at Magnus when he had changed into his own suit, he looked breath-taking and Alec felt some pride when Magnus blushed as he voiced his compliments. Though it was Alec's turn to blush when Magnus whispered things in his ear that he hoped his siblings would never accidently overhear.

When they were both ready Magnus took Alec's hand, "Close your eyes Alexander".

Trusting Magnus, Alec closed his eyes. Magnus led Alec through a portal.

"You can open your eyes now".

Alec opened his eyes and was amazed to see that they were in a beautiful restaurant that Alec realized was designed for him. The wallpaper had the pattern of ornate bows and arrows and the centre piece was an elegant bow. There were photos of Alec and Magnus together alone and others with friends and family hung up. Alec also noted that they were the only ones in the restaurant. "Magnus you made this for me?" Alec said his voice wobbly in an attempt not to cry.

Magnus cupped Alec's face, "You more than deserve your own personal restaurant. It took a lot of magic but I would happily drain away all of my magic again for you".

Alec kissed Magnus passionately, "I love you so much".

"I love you too".

"Where is everyone by the way?"

"It's just us tonight, I am going to use magic to make our dinner. And I have glamoured the restaurant so we are the only ones who know it is here. I didn't want to risk anyone interrupting our evening".

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