Chapter 15

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Over the next few weeks Magnus desperately searched for a way to unbind Alec from Victor and the warlock who had put the chains on Alec. He was getting closer to finding the warlock, his friend Catarina was checking out the lead for him. But he still couldn't find a way to sever the bond between Alec and Victor. Even if he could, Magnus wasn't sure if he could ever claim Alec back again. 

Omegas' bodies had adapted over time to protect them from alphas who would break the bond and abandon them. And only want them back later because they were omegas. Their bodies would not accept a second bite from the same alpha now for protection. But Magnus hoped that as he had not abandoned Alec there could be a way to solve the problem. 

Andrew had been avoiding him but Magnus was determined to corner him to have words. He wouldn't hurt Andrew but he had to make him see Alec was his omega. Magnus finally managed to talk to Andrew that afternoon. 

"I know you kissed Alexander", Magnus said angrily. 

"I'm so sorry, I know I should never have done that". 

"He may be mated to Victor but he wants to be my omega-"

"I know that and I know what I did was wrong. I understand if you can't but I hope you can forgive me", Andrew said looking away guiltily. 

Magnus sighed, "You mean a lot to Alec so I will try to forgive you. But if you do this again I won't give any second chances". 

"I promise I won't try to come between you two again. I would rather have Alec as a friend than never see him again. Thank you for trying to forgive me". 

"Alec told me you apologized but you rushed out the door before he could say anything. So please talk to him and apologise properly". Magnus was reluctant to let Andrew see Alec, but he wouldn't control Alec like that. He wouldn't force him not to see someone he cared for. 

Andrew nodded and left to talk to Alec. He was feeling anxious about talking to him but he had put it off for two weeks and he knew he hurt Alec by kissing him and avoiding him. He needed to make it up to Alec. Andrew found Alec in the kitchen making some coffee though Andrew could see he was struggling because of the chains. "I could make the coffee for you". 

Alec jumped and nearly dropped the mug he was holding, "Oh Andrew um yeah that would be great thanks". Alec moved aside to let Andrew help. He wished he could do it himself but the chains restricted his movements. He hated the chains, they were a constant reminder of what Victor had done to him. 

"I was hoping I could talk to you but I understand if you don't want to see me". 

"It's okay I'm actually glad you want to talk to me. I was afraid you wanted nothing to do with me anymore".

More guilt consumed Andrew, he hadn't realized Alec would think that. He moved close to Alec and was about to take Alec's hands but changed his mind when he remembered how angry Magnus was. Instead he put his hand on Alec's shoulder soothingly. "That's not true I'm so sorry I made you think that and I'm truly sorry I kissed you. I never meant to make things awkward between us. And I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission. Will you let me earn your trust back?" 

"I already forgave you Andrew", Alec said with a reassuring smile. "I'm just relieved I haven't lost you as a friend". 

"How can you forgive me? I could have ruined things between you and Magnus". 

"I know you regret what you did and you have always treated me with respect at the insitute unlike most of our colleagues". 

"But I acted like them when I kissed you without asking you if I could", Andrew said guiltily. 

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