Chapter 5

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While Alec was at the institute Magnus arranged a meeting with Dot. Initially Magnus had felt pity for Dot because she was in love with him and he couldn't love her back, she had been a close friend so he had felt terrible for causing her pain. But now that pity had turned into fury. Seeing how Victor had treated Alec at his party the previous night, had made Magnus realize how much danger Alec was in from Victor. Magnus had known it when Alec had told him about the attack but it was one thing hearing it and another seeing how Victor treated Alec. 

Dot had been difficult and it had taken all morning for her to finally agree to meet Magnus. Though Magnus knew it was futile he wanted to try and change Dot's mind. Magnus would have just used magic to bring back the video footage, but Dot must have known what he would do. She used a powerful spell that prevented anyone other than herself from getting the footage back. If Magnus could persuade her, maybe he could get the footage back. Dot had omega friends, surely she would want to help them. 

Magnus knew Dot loved Clary who was also an omega, Dot had helped Jocelyn raise Clary after all. How could Dot put Clary in danger too, just to spite him and Alec? Magnus made a plan to make that argument. Magnus let Dot in when he felt her arrival through his wards. He noticed Dot look warily around, she seemed to worry that he had a hidden trap. 

"What do you want Magnus?" Dot said in frustration as she crossed her arms defensively. 

Magnus got up gracefully even though he had been sitting in the same position for so long he was uncomfortable. "You know what I want, don't try to pretend otherwise", Magnus said angrily making Dot flinch. 

"Nothing you say will change my mind and you know it". 

"Even if I were to mention Clary?" 

Dot frowned and felt wave of protectiveness, "What does Clary have to do with this?" Dot said in confusion. 

"She is an omega too. If Victor hasn't already targeted her you know he will. I care about Clary as well, I don't want to see her hurt. But Clary is at the institute as much as Alec is, she won't be safe with Victor in charge", Magnus had feared that as Victor had attacked Alec and Simon, what if he had done the same to Clary? He hated that Alec, Clary and Simon had to deal with alphas who didn't care about consent constantly. 

Dot faltered not expecting Magnus to make this point. Dot knew Magnus was right, Clary wasn't safe at the institute. Dread consumed her at the thought of Clary being hurt by Victor. What if she already had been and had hidden it from her? Dot was torn, she couldn't bear being the reason Clary was in more danger but at the same time she was hurting so much from the pain of Magnus' rejection. What was so great about Alec? He was just an omega whore while she was an alpha, she could give Magnus so much more than Alec. Yet Magnus still chose Alec over her! 

"I will do everything I can to protect Clary, but I can't help you Magnus". 

"Dot please-"

"I won't change my mind", Dot said and portaled out of Magnus' apartment before he could say anything else. 

Magnus was so angry that his magic lashed out destroying many of his vases and precious collectibles. But thankfully Magnus could just use his magic to fix them, so in his rage Magnus destroyed everything. 

Alec was trying to do some work in the ops center but it was difficult when everyone kept staring at him lustfully and undressing him with their eyes. Izzy, Jace and Andrew had tried to stay with him as long as they could but they had to leave for a mission that Alec wasn't allowed to go on because was an omega. While Alec was allowed to on missions, there were some that were deemed too dangerous for omegas. Alec knew that Victor didn't care for their safety, he just didn't want to lose any omegas that could pleasure him whether they wanted to or not. 

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