Chapter 25

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Alec tried focus on what Catarina was saying but he was worried about Magnus. He had gone to confront Victor and Alec was afraid for his safety. He loved Catarina for trying to take his mind off it, but Alec's thoughts were spiralling. He jumped when Catarina patted his shoulder. 

"Are you okay Alec? You seemed lost in thought". 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to space out, I'm just really worried about Magnus". 

Catarina gave Alec a sympathetic smile, "It's okay, I'm worried about him too but Magnus knows what he is doing. And if Victor tries anything, he is no match for Magnus' power". 

Catarina's words helped calm Alec a bit, but Victor had nearly killed Magnus and it was hard to shake that memory from his mind. Catarina and Alec tried watching a movie to calm Alec more but Alec found it hard to enjoy the movie. 

Half way through the movie Magnus portaled back to the living room, Alec jumped up in relief and hugged Magnus tightly. Magnus happily returned the hug, he knew Catarina could protect Alec. But it was still a relief to see Alec unharmed. 

"What happened with Victor?" Catarina asked after she had hugged Magnus too. 

"I managed to persuade him to help a bit, he gave me something Camille will really want. So I'm going to try and negotiate with her". 

"But Mags she's so dangerous and she wasn't willing to help before unless you gave her me". 

Magnus pulled out the necklace Victor gave him, "This is very special to Camille, I remember she wore it all the time. She was devestated when she lost it years ago when we were still together. I found it for her as one of her birthday presents, she was so happy when I gave it to her we spent the rest of the night dancing and kissing", Magnus said wistfully though felt guilty when he saw he had upset Alec and Catarina glared at him. "I'm sorry Alexander, I promise you Camille and I are ancient history I shouldn't have brought that up". 

"It's okay I know you didn't mean to", Alec said though his heart had hurt when he saw the fond look in Magnus' eyes when he had talked about Camille. 

"I hate to spend more time away from you on our holiday Alexander, but I need to talk to Camille now to stop Victor. Cat can you continue to protect him?" 

"Of course, I love Alec too you didn't have to ask", Catarina said smiling at Alec. "But can I have a word with you before  you go?" 

Magnus nodded and followed Catarina to the kitchen leaving Alec to read a book. "What did you want to talk about?"

"You need to be careful around Camille, I'm worried she will hurt you. Don't give her the necklace until you have verified what she tells you". 

"I will do that Cat, I know what Camille is like. She will most likely try to give me false information so don't worry I will definitely verify it and I will be careful". 

"Good I don't trust her. And Magnus I know Alec said it was okay, but you hurt him by talking about Camille like that. You are engaged now, you can't talk about an ex that way and it seemed like you missed her". 

Magnus sighed, "You're not wrong, I know she hurt me badly and she is a monster. But part of me does miss her, she was kind and wonderful once. She gave me a reason to keep living and it's hard to forget she did that for me". 

"I know she was like that but she isn't anymore. Camille is evil she has murdered people, she sired Simon against his will and so many others. If she realizes you still care for her she will use it against you. Please tell me you don't have feelings for her, you're with Alec". 

"Catarina you are my oldest friend, please don't judge me. I know Camille is evil and I hate myself for caring for her. Even worse I do still have feelings for her".

Catarina crossed her arms and glared at Magnus, "You just told Alec you and Camille were ancient history. You lied to him. You are my closest friend but Alec has become my friend too. Normally I would take your side but if you break Alec's heart for Camille I will choose Alec". 

"I couldn't tell Alexander I still have feelings for Camille it would only hurt him more, and I love him so much more I will never choose Camille over Alexander. I want to marry him and start our future together". 

"I'm glad to hear that you want to be with Alec. I know Camille is beautiful and she will try to tempt you. But just remember what you said and think about your future wedding while you're with her to resist temptation". 

Magnus was grateful for Catarina's advice, she was right Camille will try to tempt him. Magnus was suprised she hadn't done so earlier that day but he realized she was trying to rattle him by going after Alec. Magnus wouldn't be fooled by that he wouldn't let her sink her fangs into him. He had to fight his feelings for her, Alec was the love of his life and he wouldn't throw that away for Camille. 

When Magnus agreed to do that and said goodbye to Alec he left to talk to Camille. Alec had been reluctant to let him go alone as he was scared for his safety. But he knew Magnus could protect himself. 

"Magnus will be okay", Catrina said reassuringly, "Come on let's finish the movie". 

Alec was about to sit next to Catarina on the couch when suddenly Victor portaled in with a warlock making Alec's heart leap to his throat. How could Victor be here? Magnus had heightened his security. 

"Oh Alec it is so wonderful to see you again", Victor said with a smirk.

"I won't let you take him", Catarina said protectively and tried to portal Alec out of the room but the warlock froze her with magic. 

"Catarina!" Alec shouted in concern and tried to run to her but he was grabbed from behind by Victor. Alec kicked Victor as much as he could to escape but the warlock froze him too and he couldn't move. 

"You're mine now Alec". 

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