Chapter 24

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Alec froze, they finally had a lead and it was Camille. There was no way she would help them and even if she would Alec wouldn't want her any where near Magnus. Magnus had told him what Camille had put him through and Alec was afraid that Camille would use the opportunity to hurt Magnus more. 

"I'll talk to Camille-" Magnus started to say but was interrupted by Alec. 

"No please don't, she won't tell you anything and she will just torment you". 

Magnus took Alec's hand and squeezed it comfortingly, "I have seen Camille at her worst, I can handle her Alexander. It means so much that you are concerned for me but I will be okay". 

"Then let me come with you". 

"I can't do that darling, she will use you against me. She won't hesitate to hurt you to make me do what she wants". 

"It is so sweet seeing you so protective of him Magnus", Camille said sarcastically. 

Magnus and Alec jumped in shock, "How the hell did you get in here?" Magnus said and moved to stand protectively in front of Alec. 

"I have my ways, a little birdie told me about your situation and that you know about my omega who died". 

Magnus had a feeling the Seelie Queen had helped Camille, she had eyes literally everywhere. "You say he died and so do the records, however I can't help but wonder if you murdered him because he didn't want to be with you". 

Instead of being offended by the accusation Camille just burst into a fit of giggles, "Oh Magnus I suppose there's no harm in confirming that I did kill him, considering there's nothing you can do about it". 

"How could you do that?" Alec said furiously, wanting to avenge the omega. Thomas Williams the records said his name was, and Alec's heart hurt at the thought of Thomas being ripped away from his loved ones. 

Camille rolled her eyes, "You omegas are always too sensitive. Thomas humiliated me, I offered him a wonderful life and he refused it for another alpha even though I had already given him the mating bite". 

Magnus glared at Camille, "Alexander has every right to be upset about what you did he is not too sensitive at all. And by wonderful life you mean he would be your slave, I know you Camille there's no point trying to cover up what you did". 

"And you gave Thomas the bite against his will", Alec added finding it hard to reign in his anger when Camille was showing no remorse at all. And seemed proud of what she had done. 

"Whatever, I came here for a reason. I will tell you how my omega was able to get another alpha bite safely if you do something for me". 

Magnus crossed his arms defensively, "What do you want?" To Magnus' suprise and dread instead of focusing on him, Camille turned to Alec. 

"I want your precious omega, I want to give him the bite instead of you Magnus". 

Alec tensed, "That's not happening". 

Camille smirked, "Then you will forever be Victor's omega, literally given that you are a daylighter now". 

Alec wasn't suprised that Camille knew he was a daylighter, word had spread like wildfire when one of his Shadowhunter colleagues told everyone. Now Alec wasn't sure where he stood at the institute. As Lydia was the head of the institute she was fighting for his right to fight alongside Shadowhunters. 

But as he was no longer a Shadowhunter, his colleagues didn't trust him anymore. His missions were already limited because he was an omega, and now he wasn't allowed to go on any until the Clave had decided whether to let him still be a part of the instiute. Alec was hoping his vacation with Magnus would help him forget this, and it was working until Victor had tortured him. 

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