Chapter 10

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Victor grinned as Maryse and Robert entered his office. He was finally making it official that Alec was his now. Even if Alec's parents hadn't wanted him to be Alec's alpha he wouldn't have let that stop him, he would have either blackmailed or killed them. But this way was so much easier and less messy.

Robert returned the grin, "So you really want Alexander to be your omega?"

"Yes I do".

"I know your reputation concerning omegas, but we wanted to be certain. Alexander has always been stubborn and shamed our family by not being the omega he needs to be. By being his alpha do you agree to change Alec into an obedient omega?"

"I do agree, in fact I will really enjoy doing so".

"That's good to hear", Maryse said with a smile, "You need to be warned about Alexander's siblings, they will try to stop you and save Alexander. And I'm sure the warlock will too".

"Don't worry Maryse, I have already anticipated that. I know I should have waited for your permission, but I gave Alec the mating bite because I knew they would try to save him. I was right, Bane tried to save Alec earlier. The only thing stopping him was the bite that binds Alec to me and would kill him if Bane tried to kill me".

"Normally I would be angry that you gave Alexander the mating bite without our permission. But in this instance, you are right. So I am glad you did give him the bit", Robert said.

"I know that you have already given Alexander the bite, but there should be a public ceremony for your bonding. It would hurt Alexander more and show the rest of your colleagues that Alexander can't cause any more trouble".

"Yes especially if you tell Alexander yourself Maryse, you were at Alec's birthday party to make him think you were on his side and trying to be a better mother to him. He will be heartbroken when he finds out you were lying", Victor said smirking at the thought.

Maryse and Robert happily agreed to the idea and they arranged the ceremony for the next day. They also were forcing Magnus to come and witness the ceremony to avenge the Lightwood name they believed Magnus had ruined by mating Alec. Victor came with Maryse to deliver the ceremony news to Alec wanting to enjoy seeing Alec's heart break at his mother's betrayal.

Alec was so scared, he hated being trapped and tied to Victor's bed. He knew he was under Victor's mercy in this position. He couldn't escape as the ropes were too tight, they were so tight they were hurting his wrists and ankles badly. Alec flinched when the door opened, his eyes widened when he saw his mother with Victor. Alec desperately hoped she was here to save him, but Victor wasn't threatening her and she didn't seem shocked or scared. Alec's heart sank as he realized she wasn't going to save him.

Maryse sat on the side of Alec's bed and cupped his face, "Alexander, Victor has told me about giving you the mating bite".

"He gave it to me against my will!" Alec said angrily.

"I have some good news for you", Maryse continued on as though Alec had not spoken, "Your father and I are arranging a public bonding ceremony. Victor will give you another bite, we will have a warlock make it look like you haven't been bitten yet".

Alec froze in fear, "Y-you approve of this? I thought you love me, you said you wanted to change".

"I was lying Alexander, you have shamed our family and now you must make it right by doing bonding ceremony".

Alec felt his heart shatter, Maryse had been spending more time with him and making an effort to be close to him again. But that had all been a lie to hurt him. Alec felt tears pour out of his eyes, he wanted to wipe them away but couldn't with his wrists tied.

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