Chapter 14

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When Alec woke up he was happy to see Simon sitting in a chair next to him. He knew he had been saved, but it felt so much better to see Simon for himself. 

"Alec, I'm so glad you are awake I was worried you wouldn't be able to eat anything until tomorrow", Simon said as he hugged Alec. 

"Sorry I didn't meant to make you worry, I wasn't really feeling up to eating earlier. But I'm sure I will be able to eat something in a bit". 

"I understand after what you have been through. I'm so sorry I sired you, I hope you don't hate me for it". 

"I could never hate you Simon, I know Victor forced you. I wanted to tell you but I was knocked out before I could, I was actually thinking of asking you to sire me for a long time". 

Simon gave Alec a startled look, he was so relieved Alec didn't hate him. But he wasn't expecting that. "Really, why?" 

"I love Magnus so much and I didn't want him to go through the pain of losing me. I felt ready to live with him forever and it would solve the mortality problem. I was also scared that if I became an old man while Magnus still looked so young, he wouldn't want to be with me anymore. By the way only Magnus knows I am vampire, please keep it between us for now". 

"Magnus loves you I'm sure he wouldn't leave you because of that, but I understand as I have similar fears about me and Jace. If he still wants me after what Raj has done to me. I am immortal but he isn't, I am afraid he wouldn't want to be with me forever or give up being a shadowhunter for me. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I understand you want to wait until you are ready to tell them you are a vampire". 

"Thank you for keeping it a secret. I'm sure Jace will still want you and if he doesn't he will have to deal with me. I think you should talk to Jace about this, he may suprise you". 

Simon gave Alec a suspicious look, "Jace has told you something hasn't he? What did he say?" 

"It's not my place to tell you, I think you should talk to him now". 

Simon nodded feeling determined, "You're right I'll do that. But I'll ask Andrew to come and give you some food". 

"Thanks Si".  When Alec first met Simon he would have never guessed they would become close. He had found his constant talking very irritating and he kept getting in to trouble which in turn caused him to get in trouble with his parents. And they never held back when giving him punishments. 

But Alec realized that finding out about the Shadow world would be frightening for a mundane. And Simon had no idea what his parents were doing to him, no one did. They bonded when Simon had confessed his love for Clary and Alec told him how he loved Jace. Alec smiled at how different things were now, he and Simon were best friends. Clary was now with Izzy and Jace was with Simon. And Alec had found love with a wonderful alpha. Magnus had made mistakes that hurt him but he was making the effort to make things right. 

Alec was interrupted from his thoughts when Andrew knocked on the door. After Alec confirmed it was okay to come in Andrew opened the door slowly as he was balancing Alec's dinner. Alec felt his heart warm when he saw that Andrew had made his favourite meal. Alec didn't have many friends at the insitute because most of his colleagues felt he shouldn't be a shadowhunter as he was an omega and should be warming their beds instead. So he was so glad he could count Andrew as his friend. 

 "Thank you so much Andrew, you didn't have to do this". 

Andrew blushed but Alec didn't see as he was looking at his food, "I know but you deserve this after what you have been through". 

"Where's Magnus by the way?" Though Alec had been happy to see Simon, he had been disappointed Magnus hadn't come to see him. 

Andrew felt angry that Alec had shifted things to Magnus, but he calmed himself down. He wanted Alec but he would not be like Victor. "He's in his office doing research. He's trying to find a way to unbind you from Victor and to find the warlock who enchanted your chains. I can help you eat if you are struggling because of the chains". 

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