Chapter 17

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Magnus used a tracking spell to find out where Andrew had gone and discovered he was at the Hunter's Moon. After adding more protective spells to ensure Alec and the others' safety while he was gone, Magnus left to talk to Andrew at the bar. Magnus was so angry that Andrew had not promised to keep Alec's secret, he was scared that Andrew had already told the Clave. 

The Clave would want to find out how Alec was a vampire with runes and find a way for Alec to reactivate his runes to create a powerful weapon. They wouldn't care that Alec is a human being, they would only see him as a weapon or if they failed, they would hand him over to Victor. Both options were unacceptable, Magnus would go to hell and back again before he let that happen.

He found Andrew sitting at the bar with a drink staring into space. Magnus sat next to Andrew and ordered a drink from Maia. Andrew jumped in fright when he realized Magnus was next to him. 

"Andrew we need to talk". 

Andrew looked away, "I don't want to talk to you, I need time to think". 

"You are threatening the safety of my mate, I don't care if you need time to think. Don't you know what the Clave will do to Alexander if you tell them?" 

"Yes I do know!" Andrew snapped, "That's why I'm struggling with this. All my life I was taught to believe omega downworlders don't have rights. I loved Alec so much but now I know he is a downworlder omega now, I just don't know what to think of him". 

"Alexander has always been there for you, when your colleagues were homophobic to you he stood up to them at the risk of being attacked just because he is an omega. When you needed a place to stay last year he asked me if you could stay with us. And you must know I only let you stay at my loft then and more recently because of him". 

"That doesn't change what he is now". 

It took a lot of restraint for Magnus to stop himself punching Andrew, he knew Alec would be upset if he hurt him, "He is still the same person Andrew. Being a vampire only changes what he is not who he is. Simon is an omega downworlder I thought you liked him, why is it different for Alexander?" 

"I never liked that he was a downworlder omega, I only tolerated it because I was in love with Alec and Simon is one of his best friends. I'm suprised Simon is even allowed in the institute". 

"So what about Clary? She's an omega-" 

"Yes but she's a nephilim not a downworlder". 

Magnus sighed in frustration, "Even if you refuse to see Alexander ever again, just please keep his secret don't make me wipe your memories of Alexander telling you what he is". 

"You would really do that to me?" Andrew said in shock. 

"To save Alexander yes". 

Andrew got up and tried to run but Magnus used magic to freeze him, he then cast a spell to erase Andrew's memories but something was blocking him. Someone had cast a protection spell on Andrew to stop Magnus wiping his memory making Magnus furious. 

"Magnus what are you doing? Let him go", Maia said worrying about everyone staring at Magnus. She didn't want people being put off from coming to the bar and despite what Andrew thought of downworlders she didn't want him to be hurt. 

"I'm trying to wipe his memory to protect my mate, but something is stopping me. I need to take him to another warlock". 

"No Magnus don't-" Maia said but was interrupted by some shadowhunters who had drawn their seraph blades. 

"Let him go right now and maybe we'll let you leave without broken arms". 

"How dare you threaten me!" Magnus said furiously. 

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