Chapter 6

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Simon tried to concentrate on the movie he was watching with Luke, but it was hard when all he could think about was Raphael trying to kiss him. Simon had hoped he and Raphael could finally be friends, but now Simon didn't know what to do. He had many missed calls from Raphael, he didn't feel ready to answer so he had ignored them. Half way through the movie Jace came back, Simon got up and happily kissed Jace in greeting. 

"Hi Simon you've been okay right, there hasn't been any attacks here?" 

"An alpha did try to grab me when he was trying to sell Luke something. I had come to answer the door at the same time Luke did and the alpha saw me. But don't worry Luke saved me", Simon had wanted to keep this to himself and not worry Jace. But Luke had persuaded him to tell Jace. 

"The alpha is lucky I wasn't there", Jace growled menacingly and his eyes turned gold in his fury. "How come you moved to Luke's house? I thought you wanted to see Raphael". 

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to go and punch Raphael". 

Jace's hands curled into fists, "I'm not sure I can promise that". 

Simon sighed he had been worried Jace would react like that, but he felt it would be worse if he kept it a secret and Jace found out through someone else. "I came to Luke's because... Raphael tried to kiss me and I didn't feel comfortable being there anymore". 

"He did what?" Jace yelled, "I'm going to kill him!" 

"Jace please don't, I don't like what he did but I still care about him. Please don't hurt him". 

"I agree with Simon, don't do anything rash or you could risk breaking the accords", Luke reasoned. 

"Fine but only because Simon doesn't want me too". 

"Thank you that means a lot to me, I don't know how I'm going to face Raphael now". 

Jace glared at Simon, "You still want to be friends with him?" 

"Yes he's important to me. Please, I don't want to fight again". 

"Me neither but I don't like this. Raphael clearly still wants you, how can I trust him around you?" 

"If you can't trust him, trust me. You know now I would never cheat on you". 

"You're right I trust you-"

"Wait a minute, what do you mean he knows now? Surely Jace should have already known you wouldn't cheat", Luke said getting angry. 

"Me and Jace had a fight but he knows I wouldn't cheat now". 

"Simon you are like a son to me and it makes me angry that Jace thought you would cheat". 

"You have every right to be angry with me, I am so sorry I hurt Simon and I'm trying to make it up to him". 

Luke glared at Jace for a worryingly long time, but Simon was so relieved when Luke relented. Luke nodded at Jace and left the room leaving Jace and Simon alone. 

"Thank goodness I was worried he was going to punch you".  

"Even if Luke had done I could have easily handled it", Jace said with a smirk making Simon shake his head fondly. "Besides Luke loves me too much to punch me". 

"You think everyone loves you", Simon laughed. 

"Because it's true", Jace said with a wink. 

Simon shook his head again but grinned at Jace. Simon once found Jace's arrogance frustrating, but now he knew there was more to Jace than his over confident attitude. Simon found it charming now particularly when Jace still flirted with him even though they had been together for a long time and it wasn't necessary. Simon was still hurting after the way Jace had acted but he was starting to forgive Jace. He had been working with Alec to try and change things for omegas and Downworlders and it made Simon love him more. 

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