Chapter 22

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After another day of sight seeing Magnus took Alec out to his personal restaurant he had made for Alec. He had a special suprise for Alec and he wanted to make it memorable. He secretly portaled back to the restaurant while Alec was reading a book. Magnus had told Alec he was setting something up at the restaurant but he made sure not to give anything away. 

When Magnus had finished setting up everything he returned back to Alec. "Darling, everything's ready come with me". 

Alec smiled happily at Magnus and took Magnus' hand when he offered it to him. Magnus helped Alec off the sofa and led him to the portal. "What has my amazing boyfriend planned for me?" 

Magnus blushed, though he gave out plenty of compliments in particular to Alec, he still wasn't used to receiving them himself. Before he met Alec, he was rarely complimented and he knew Alec was in the same position. That motivated to compliment Alec even more. "You shall soon see my beautiful angel". 

Alec immediately recognised the restaurant that Magnus had made for him when they arrived. Alec gasped in suprise to see his and Magnus' loved ones smiling excitedly at them. Magnus and Alec hugged them all. Alec gave Izzy a questioning look hoping she might tell him what was going on. But she just smirked and wouldn't tell him. Alec was suprised when Raphael hugged him, but he hoped this meant Raphael liked him and approved of his relationship with Magnus. 

When they finished hugging, Magnus returned to Alec and took his hands gently. Alec's breath caught in his throat when Magnus got down on one knee and let go of one of Alec's hands to retrieve an engagement ring from his pocket. Alec felt tears of happiness threaten to fall. He had dreamed of this moment with Magnus for a long time and now it was happening for real. Alec subtly pinched himself to make sure this wasn't another dream. 

"Alexander, you are the love of my life. When Camille broke my heart, I thought I could never love again. That was until you came along. I don't care if society looks down on us because you are mated to someone else, I love you too much to care. I know I have messed up and I have hurt you badly. But I vow to do everything in my power to never hurt you again. I want to hold you and protect you from everything for eternity. I want to spend eternity with you my love. Alexander Gideon Lightwood, will you make me the happiest alpha in the world and marry me?" 

"Yes I will marry you, I love you so much", Alec said happily and threw himself into Magnus' arms and kissed him passionately. 

Magnus lifted Alec and spun him around while their loved ones clapped happily for them. They all hugged again and spent the night eating a special meal that Magnus had made himself not through magic. 

"Magnus I'm so happy for you", Catarina squealed excitedly. 

"I am too my friend, you more than deserve this", Ragnor said as he patted Magnus' shoulder affectionately. 

Magnus shared a loving smile with Alec and he entwined their hands together. "I can't believe this is happening, I feel like I am walking on air". 

"I feel the same way, I can't wait to marry you", Alec said happily. The only thing that ruined the happy moment was that Alec knew his parents would not come to the wedding. He had hoped they would accept him for being gay, but they still hated him for it. Alec pushed aside the upsetting thought, he would not let his parents ruin his happiness. 

"Are you okay darling?" Magnus said in concern, he had seen Alec look upset and try to hide it which really worried him. 

"You are with me and we are about to start our future together. I'm more than okay", Alec said. It wasn't a complete lie, he was truly happy that this was happening. He just didn't want to spoil the mood by telling the whole truth. 

Magnus felt Alec wasn't telling him something, but he didn't want to push Alec. He would open up when he was ready. 

"So um you'll need a best man right Alec?" Jace said. 

"What about a best woman?" Izzy countered. 

"That's not how it works Iz". 

"So? I see nothing wrong with changing things. I mean years ago Magnus and Alec wouldn't have even been able to get married and now they can. Things can change". 

Alec shared a fond smile with Clary and Simon who shook their heads at their lovers' continued bickering. 

"Guys, what if I have a best man and a best woman?" 

"I suppose that could work", Jace said grudgingly and Izzy grinned smugly at him making Jace roll his eyes. 

"Hey Magnus can you do that too?" Catarina said hopefully. 

Magnus laughed, "Of course Cat. I would be honoured to have you as my best woman". 

"And who will be your best man?" Raphael said, "Both me and Ragnor want to be your best man". 

"I will give the position to you Raphael, I don't want to cause conflict between us". 

Raphael looked at Ragnor in suprise, "Really? Thank you Ragnor that means a lot to me. Is that okay Magnus?" 

"Sure I would love you to be my best man", Magnus said giving Ragnor a grateful look. He was glad that he wouldn't have to choose between Raphael and Ragnor, he didn't want to upset either of them. 

When they finished dinner, Magnus portaled everyone apart from him and Alec back to New York. Alec and Magnus stayed in the restaurant a bit longer and talked long into the night. They talked about their wedding and how excited they were to start their lives together. 

Alec was so happy that he wanted this night to never end. But though he didn't need to sleep as Alec was a vampire now, Magnus did need to. And while he didn't need to, Alec could sleep and he loved falling asleep in the arms of his fiancé. 

Meanwhile Victor paced around in his cell. Victor had no idea where he was, his captors refused to tell him to make it harder for him to escape if he tried. But Victor wouldn't let that deter him. Victor would never stop trying to escape. He had to get his omega back and he would teach him a lesson for wanting Magnus instead of him. 

Alec needed to learn his place, he needed to learn that he was no more than Victor's slave. Victor could feel Alec's emotions through the mating bite and he was furious to discover that Alec was elated. Alec should not be content with Magnus. Victor smiled to himself as he pushed his feelings to Alec through the bond. It was a form of attacking Alec, Victor's hateful emotions would cause Alec  a lot of pain and the thought made Victor smile. 

Victor spent the rest of the night fantasizing about the things he was going to do to Alec when he had him back and planning a way to kill Magnus. Victor was also angry that he hadn't been successful in killing Magnus, he was determined to kill Magnus so that he would not be in the way of him and Alec anymore. And then he could have Alec all to himself for eternity. 

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