Chapter 7

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When Alec woke up he realized he had fallen asleep on the sofa in Magnus' apartment. For a moment Alec looked around confused but then the memories of last night came hurtling back into his mind. Silent tears poured down his cheeks, Alec tried to wipe them away but more kept coming. Alec made himself get off the sofa and looked around for Magnus hoping he had come  back during the night. 

Alec was disappointed and upset when he couldn't find Magnus anywhere. Alec tried calling and texting Magnus but he got no replies. The doorbell rang and for a second Alec hoped it was Magnus, but then he remembered this was his apartment. Magnus wouldn't need to ring the doorbell for his own apartment. 

Alec didn't have magic so he had to check the peep hole to see who had rung the door. Alec was scared it was Victor, he was relieved it wasn't him but the person wasn't someone Alec really wanted to see. Alec sighed and opened the door. 

"Oh it's you, where's Magnus?" Dot said in irritation. 

"I don't know he left", Alec said shakily, "How could you tamper with the evidence? Clary is an omega too". 

"You know why, Magnus chose a whore over me!" 

"I'm not a whore, is that what you think of Clary too?" Alec knew Clary would be heartbroken if she realized Dot felt this way about omegas so he had kept it from her, as Dot was like a second mother to Clary. 

"Don't compare yourself to Clary, you are worthless and I can't believe she is friends with you". 

"You didn't answer the question", Alec pointed out, he was hurt by Dot's words but it also upset him that Dot was being a hypocrite . He was also worried for Clary's safety, what if her love for Clary wouldn't be enough to protect her from her old fashioned views of omegas? 

Dot faltered, she had always struggled with Clary being an omega. Helping Jocelyn raise Clary as a mundane had made her love Clary as though she was her daughter, but she hated that she was an omega. Dot had desperately tried to use magic to turn Clay into an alpha but nothing worked. And when Jocelyn found out she had been furious and threatened to not let her see Clary anymore, so Dot had tried to accept Clary being an omega. But she just couldn't accept it. 

"As much as I love Clary, even she will give into her omega nature and will cheat on Izzy. It will just be a matter of time. I hate to say it but she is as much a whore as you are". 

"You really think that of me?" 

Dot whirled around and was shocked to see Clary, "How long have you been there?" 

"Long enough, I can't believe you said that. I thought you loved me", Clary said tears streaming down her face. 

Alec's heart sank, he hadn't known that Clary had come back he had thought she was away with Izzy. Why was she back early? He had been trying to protect Clary from this pain but now he couldn't anymore. 

"I do love you Clary but-"

"You hate that I am an omega", Clary said tearfully. "You think I'm a whore, I would never cheat on Izzy I love her!"

"You set this up! You knew Clary was there the whole time!" Dot accused Alec. 

"What? No I thought she was with Izzy". 

"Liar!" Dot screeched and tried to attack Alec but Clary stood in front of Alec and pushed Dot away. 

"Alec had no idea I was here, I was meant to be with Izzy but she had to come back for an urgent mission". 

"Clary please listen to me, you need to come with me now. Alec is trying to make us hate each other". 

"Did you hear what I just said? Alec didn't know I was here and he would never do that. Leave now I'm not going with you". 

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