Chapter 16

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Telling the others about Victor's fire message was not a fun task for Magnus. His friends were furious, Jace punched the wall and Izzy had smashed a vase. Magnus was grateful he could fix it with magic. While Clary and Simon clung to each other and looked so upset Magnus wanted to hug them. 

"I can't take this anymore Magnus, I know we can't kill Victor but we have to do something", Jace said. 

"I'm working on a plan, but it will take time-"

"We don't have time! Victor could come and grab Alec at any moment". 

"Jace you know how strong Magnus' wards are they will protect Alec", Simon said trying to reassure Jace.

Jace cupped Simon's face tenderly, "I'm scared for you and Clary too, what if Victor hires a warlock stronger than Magnus to break his wards?" Jace was furious that Victor was using Simon and Clary against Alec. And he knew what Victor would do to them if he did manage to take them which made his blood boil. 

"Normally I would be offended by that Blondie, but given the circumstances I will let that slide". 

"I'm worried about Alec, what if he gives in to Victor's demand and sacrifices himself again?" Izzy said anxiously as she wrapped a protective arm around her girlfriend. 

"I already talked to him about that, he did try to give himself up but I talked him out of it". 

Clary frowned, "Are you sure? He's very stubborn and protective of us, I doubt he would give up". 

"Don't worry Biscuit I am sure he won't give himself up", Magnus said comfortingly, though Clary's words were causing him to have doubts and make him worry.  

"What is your plan?" Simon asked. 

"I need to talk to a friend of mine, he will be able to trap Victor so that he won't be able to break free but he won't die. I am so close to finding a way to unbind Alexander from him, but until I do we need to keep Victor imprisoned so he can never hurt him again".  

While Magnus continued to explain his plan, Alec asked Andrew to make some coffee. When Andrew had gone to the kitchen, Alec took the opportunity to leave the apartment. He knew Magnus was still talking with the others. Magnus' wards kept people out but they didn't keep him in, Magnus had wanted to show Alec he was not like most alphas who wouldn't let their omegas out of the house alone or at all.  

Fear consumed Alec as he made his way to the insitute, he was so scared of being at Victor's mercy again. But if it could spare his loved ones he would face Victor. He tried to stop his hands from shaking, he didn't want to give Victor the satisfaction of being able to see his fear. 

When he arrived at the insitute Raj smirked at him and let him inside. Raj was the only shadowhunter in the ops centre as everyone else was busy doing missions or training. Raj grabbed Alec's waist and pulled him far too close. "Victor was right, he said you would give yourself up". 

"He's very possessive of me, he wouldn't like you touching me", Alec said in the hopes that Raj would let go of him. 

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, he's in a meeting so he won't see this. And that gives me time to have my way with you. I bet you are an even better fuck than Clary and Simon", Raj said with a grin. 

Fury overtook Alec's fear, "How dare you talk about them like that!" 

Raj scoffed and was about to say something when suddenly he froze and fell to the fall. Alec jumped back in shock and looked up to see that Magnus had used magic to knock Raj out. 

"I should really kill him for saying that!" Magnus said angrily but stopped himself and moved to Alec. 

"Magnus, thank you for saving me. How did you know I would be here?" 

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