Chapter 11

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Alec longed to be in Magnus' arms, but instead he was trapped with Victor. It was now the party to celebrate the bonding ceremony but Alec hated the party. It was celebrating his forced bonding with a monster. Who was currently talking to his guests and showing him off.

"Congratulations Victor, you are very lucky to have an omega they are so rare especially among nephilim", Richard said.

Alec glared at Richard, he was a member of the Clave. Alec hated that he was talking about him as though he wasn't there and as if he was just an object.

"Thank you so much. If you are looking for an omega, I recommend Clarissa Fairchild I'm sure I could make her be your omega".

"No you can't do that!" Alec said angrily unable to stay silent any longer.

"Don't speak to your alpha like that omega", Richard snapped, "I hope you will beat that out of him Victor".

"Don't worry I fully intend to do that", Victor said and glared at Alec.

Alec flinched in fear but was determined to protest and was about to but he was interrupted by Richard.

"Thank you for the offer, but I actually have my eye on an omega back in Idris".

Alec was relieved Clary was no longer in danger from Richard, but he was still afraid that Victor could still try and make her be with another alpha. When Richard left Victor tightened his grip crushingly hard.

"How dare you embarrass me. Never speak to me like that in public!"

"I won't let you force Clary to be with someone against her will".

"No need to worry Alec, I knew he would refuse as I already knew about his omega. I needed him to think I could give him an omega to make him be on my side. I don't want to take Clary away from Isabelle. I really like your sister and I hope she will come to her senses and choose me over you".

"Izzy would never betray me".

"You sound so confident considering your own mother betrayed you".

Alec flinched at the painful reminder of his mother's betrayal, "Izzy has always been on my side, even when I first presented as an omega. Unlike my parents it changed nothing for her, she had always been there for me".

"Yet I hear there were a lot of times when Izzy and Jace would go out partying and leave you behind to take the punishments for their disobedience. And they completely forgot your 21st birthday and hurt you".

"Our parents were too strict, Izzy and Jace deserved to have some fun in their lives. They have both apologized for forgetting my birthday", Alec argued.

Alec was angry when Victor didn't take him seriously and just took him to another guest he wanted to show him off too. Alec's heart broke when Victor took him to Magnus. He knew Victor was doing this deliberately to hurt him and Magnus.

"Hello Magnus, did you enjoy the ceremony?" Victor said with a smirk.

"You think you have won, but I will save Alexander from you".

"I'd like to see you try".

"I'm so sorry you had to watch the ceremony Mags", Alec said.

"Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault".

"Victor please let me talk alone to Magnus".

"No chance, you really expect me to believe you won't try to run".

"You have Simon, I won't run to protect him".

"Fine, but I will be close enough to see you".

Magnus pulled Alec into a hug as soon as Victor walked away. "I promise you I won't rest until I find away to break the bond between you and Victor or find a way to kill him that won't kill you too".

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