Chapter 19

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Alec stood frozen staring at the spot that Magnus had vanished from. Alec was terrified for Magnus, he knew Victor would take advantage of Magnus' vulnerable position to kill him. Alec ran to the living room to ask Clary to portal him to the insitute but she wasn't there.

"Si where's Clary?" Alec asked urgently. 

"She left with Izzy, they went to the insitute to give Magnus back up when they made Jace tell them the plan". 

"I need to get there right now, it will take too long to go on foot I won't be able to stop Magnus in time", Alec said freaking out. 

Simon realized Alec had forgotten about his vampire speed, he understood that Alec was still adjusting to being a vampire. He remembered how long it had taken for him to adjust. At any other time Simon would have reminded Alec. But he was scared for Alec's safety and he had promised Izzy and Clary he would to try and persuade him not to go after Magnus. 

"It doesn't matter though, I need to at least try", Alec said and tried to run out of the loft but Simon used his vampire strength to grab Alec and stop him. "Simon what are you doing? I need to go". 

"Alec it's too dangerous for you, Victor will take you again". 

"He's right Alec, you are safer here where I can protect you and Simon", Jace said.

Initially Jace had been angry that Izzy and Clary weren't letting him go with them to help Magnus, but they pointed out that he needed to stay to protect Simon and Alec. Simon too had been angry they wouldn't let him go and it took a lot of convincing to persuade him it would be too dangerous for him as well as Alec. Simon had tried to argue that it was too dangerous for Clary but Izzy said she needed her portal ability and that she would protect her. 

"Magnus is putting his life on the line for me, I want to do the same for him". 

"Magnus is doing this to save you, he would not want you to put yourself in danger". 

"I know but he is the love of my life, I would never forgive myself if he died because of me. I can't just stay here while Magnus is facing Victor. Wouldn't you feel the same way if Simon was in Magnus' position?" 

Jace sighed in frustration because he knew that Alec was right. If the roles were reversed and he just stayed at the loft while Simon was risking his life for him, he would never be able to forgive himself either and would live with the guilt for the rest of his life. He wouldn't be able to just stay here and just wait and pray that Simon would survive. 

"Fine but I am coming with you, Izzy is going to kill me for this".  

"I'm coming too". 

"Simon we talked about this-"

"No Jace, you just made me agree you didn't let me choose to go. I know the risks but I love Magnus too and I can't just do nothing". 

"You love Magnus? You know he's Alec's mate right?" Jace said irritably. 

Simon rolled his eyes, "I didn't mean romantically Jace, he's one of my best friends he's family to me. So I'm going with you two you can't stop me". 

Jace wanted to argue more but he didn't want to be like those alphas who controlled their omegas and wouldn't let them do what they wanted. And he knew that even if he made Simon stay here he would just use his vampire speed to follow them anyway. 

"Alright you can come but please be careful. I'm just afraid for your safety". 

Simon hugged Jace in reassurance, "I know you are, I'm scared for you too that's also why I want to go". 

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