Chapter 20

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Magnus hadn't feared death in centuries, being immortal had often made him feel untouchable. Logically he knew he could still be killed, but sometimes the immortality got to him and he would forget that a seraph blade could kill him. But right now with Victor grinning at him holding his seraph blade and his dear friend trapped against him, Magnus was terrified. 

If Victor succeeded in killing him now, he would die never getting the chance to tell Alec that he didn't mean those horrible things he had said. Simon would be at Victor's mercy and if Alec hadn't left the institute he would be soon captured too. 

"Please don't make Simon watch this", Magnus said. Simon had already been through so much he didn't deserve this. 

"Simon needs to learn his lesson for speaking when he wasn't allowed too". 

"I'm sorry Victor I'll do anything you want just please don't kill Magnus", Simon said terrified for his friend. 

Victor was about to yell at Simon again for speaking without permission but the door suddenly burst open. 

Izzy had been ready to scream at Magnus and punch him for hurting her brother. But her eyes widened at the sight of Magnus in chains and Victor about to kill him. She anxiously checked Jace's pulse and was relieved to find he was just unconscious and not dead. 

When Alec and Clary caught up to Izzy, Alec was horrified to see the position Magnus, Simon and Jace were in. Though Alec's heart was still broken because of Magnus, he couldn't let him die he still loved him. Victor smirked at Alec and was about to plunge the seraph blade in Magnus' heart when Alec ran and kicked the blade out of Victor's hand. 

"You stupid slut!" Victor yelled and used his vampire strength to throw Alec into his desk. The force was strong enough that the desk broke.  

"Alexander!" Magnus screamed and struggled to get up but the chains stopped him. 

Clary was going to try and help Alec but Dot grabbed her. 

"Hey let Clary go!" Simon yelled, he was still trapped against Victor and couldn't help her. Izzy whirled around and saw Dot taking Clary out of the office. Izzy furiously ran after Dot. 

"Dot what are you doing?" Clary said and tried to fight out of her grip but she was too strong. 

"It's too dangerous, Victor won't hesitate to kill you", Dot said and portalled Clary out of the insitute. Izzy tried to grab Clary to go with them so she could save Clary from Dot but she was too late. Izzy punched the wall in anger. 

Victor had grabbed another seraph blade and grinned at Alec, "Nice try but I always have a back up". 

Alec desperately tried to get up but he was in so much pain and the chains still on his wrists didn't help. "Please don't do this, I'll give myself up to you". 

"Tempting offer, but as long as Bane is alive you won't ever love me back. He has to die", Victor said and was about to kill Magnus when there was suddenly a bright light. Simon found himself being flung into the wall and Victor was no longer in the office. 

"What's going on?" Alec asked in confusion though he had never been so relieved in his life that Magnus was alive. 

"I sent Victor away and he can't ever escape", Ragnor said as he revealed himself, making Alec and Simon jump in fright. Magnus was the only one who had known Ragnor was here. After helping Simon up Ragnor found the key to Magnus' chains that had fallen when Victor was sent away. Ragnor unlocked Magnus' chains and Magnus immediately ran to Alec. 

"Alexander, are you okay?" 

"Yeah though Victor may have broken my leg", Alec said fighting not to scream in pain. If he hadn't been through this kind of pain before he wouldn't have been able to. 

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