Chapter 12

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Magnus' heart broke every time he remembered Alec's scream as Victor gave him the mating bite. Magnus wanted to use magic to erase the memory, but Magnus had learnt that erasing memories was dangerous and he owed it to Alec to remember. It wouldn't be fair to Alec if he was alone in his suffering.

Magnus had immediately sent a fire message to Lorenzo when Victor had allowed him to leave the insitute. Magnus hated having to leave Alec with Victor, but he had no choice when Victor held all the cards. If they could distract Raj enough with Lorenzo they could save Simon. Then Victor couldn't use Simon as a hostage against Alec anymore.

Even though Magnus couldn't kill Victor, he would at least be able to get Alec away from him. And Alec wouldn't refuse to escape as Simon would be safe. Magnus had already conjured more rooms to house Alec's loved ones so Victor couldn't take another hostage instead of Simon. Magnus had been reluctant to allow Andrew Underhill to stay at his loft as he was worried he had feelings for Alec.

But he knew how much Alec cared for Andrew, and he knew Victor wouldn't hesitate to use Andrew as a hostage even though he was an alpha. So even though things were tense between him and Andrew he was willing to soldier through it for Alec's sake.

Lorenzo had tried to get out of the meeting Magnus asked for in the fire message, but when Magnus reminded him of the favour Lorenzo owed him Lorenzo reluctantly agreed. Magnus let him in when Lorenzo arrived. He had asked the others to stay in their rooms as he didn't want them to get angry with Lorenzo and ruin any chance of him helping them. He was particularly worried about Jace as he had a tendency to lose his temper quickly.

"Magnus what do you want?"

Magnus rolled his eyes, Lorenzo was always so blunt and straight to the point. Though in this case Magnus was glad as he needed him to agree to his plan as quickly as possible. Magnus explained everything that had happened with Alec, Simon and Victor. "I need you to seduce Raj so he will be distracted enough for me to save Simon", Magnus said as he handed Lorenzo a photo of Raj so he could see what he looked like.

"He's good looking enough but why should I do this for you? Can't you distract Raj?"

"I already reminded you about the favour you owe me and Raj knows how I feel about Alexander. He won't believe I'm really interested in him, he will see right through me".

"I think you are overestimating the shadowhunter's intelligence. I hate to admit it but you are very attractive and I think you could trick him".

"Thanks for the compliment Lorenzo", Magnus said with a grin to irritate Lorenzo, "But I think you are wrong, the whole reason Victor forced me to see the bonding ceremony was to hurt me. So Victor knows how I feel and even if Raj didn't realize it Victor would have told him".

Lorenzo sighed, "Even so, I don't care about your precious omegas. My favour to you wasn't binding, we didn't have a contract".

"Yes but I will tell everyone that you refused to help save Alec and Simon if you won't help me. Unlike nephilim the majority of us care for omegas and treat them the way omegas should be treated. It will make everyone hate you and turn them against you if they learned how you really feel about omegas. They would want a new high warlock of Brooklyn and you would lose your position".

Lorenzo glared furiously at Magnus and he could tell Lorenzo was trying desperately to find another loophole. Lorenzo's shoulders sagged in defeat.

"Fine, I'll help you. But not for the omegas, I'm only doing this to stop you from ruining my reputation".

"As much as I hate the backwards views you have about omegas, I don't care why you are helping me as long as you pull through".

Magnus and Lorenzo planned Simon's rescue first as that was the first step. Now that Lorenzo had agreed to the plan he had let the others come back in to talk to Lorenzo. Having seen what was happening through Magnus' magic, they were very angry that Lorenzo didn't care for Alec and Simon. But Magnus managed to hold them back from taking their anger out on Lorenzo.

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